4 いることを約束する

[toggle]4. I commit to being present.[/toggle]


[toggle]Being absent is only half the battle. As I embrace the call to absence from work, I must accept the challenge to be present?to my family, to my body, and to my spirit.[/toggle]


[toggle]Present to my family. I commit to paying attention to my loved ones in intentional ways. Even if I don’t go on a lavish trip or even leave town, I will find a way to spend quality time with my family.[/toggle]


[toggle]Present to my body. So much of pastoral work is work of the mind. After a long day of sermon prep, I find that I have left my seat perhaps only twice, but I am exhausted from the mental fatigue of studying. [/toggle]


[toggle]During times of increased stress and anxiety, my body lets me know through stomachaches, tight shoulders, and jaw tension?once so severe I could barely chew! [/toggle]


[toggle]I will use the time of absence from work to be present to my body through physical movement and bodily care. Exercise, even a simple walk, reminds me that I am a whole person, not a disembodied spirit or mind.[/toggle]


[toggle]Present to my spirit. It never fails that when I have a moment of stillness, anxiety pounces on my peace. My initial reaction is to flee or distract. Hurry, get busy! If I’m constantly moving, anxiety can’t slither in. Or, Start that Netflix binge! My mind will be too busy with the steady stream of entertainment for anxiety to get a word in. [/toggle]


[toggle]In her book Don’t Feed the Monkey Mind, Jennifer Shannon says this is the wrong approach to our anxiety. It sends the false message that the fear we are experiencing is dangerous and should be avoided. [/toggle]


[toggle]But it’s not dangerous; it’s just uncomfortable. Shannon encourages her readers to open their minds and hearts to the anxiety and to sit with the discomfort, thereby debunking anxiety’s lies and stealing its power.[/toggle]


[toggle]As I sit with the discomfort, I ask the Lord to remind me that I am his beloved, and with me, the Lord is well pleased. I confess the ways in which I have sought to do God’s work on God’s behalf. I ask the Spirit to heal the wounds that led me to these anxious behaviors.[/toggle]


[toggle]Vacation as Co-laboring[/toggle]


[toggle]Without a doubt, taking vacation as a pastor can be a challenge. But time away is not merely important?it is essential for both the pastor and the congregation. Those of us who bear the mantle of pastor need to be reminded that we are not the head of the church. Christ is.[/toggle]


[toggle]Pastors are not, as Eugene Peterson puts it, “the linchpin holding a congregation together.” We are co-laborers with our flocks, cooperating with the Holy Spirit who is doing the work of calling, comforting, and convicting. [/toggle]


[toggle]Our congregations need a reminder that pastoral vacations can deliver blessings as well. They are not to be passive consumers of what the “professional” pastor has to offer, but rather to be engaged, contributing members of the body of Christ.[/toggle]


[toggle]By refusing to participate in the blasphemous anxiety to do the work of God for him and confessing the idolatry in our own hearts, we will shape our congregation to follow Jesus faithfully?more faithfully than 365 consecutive days of work ever could.[/toggle]


[toggle]Now, you’ll have to excuse me. I need to get back to planning my vacation.[/toggle]




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