[toggle]LifeWay Christian Resources, the largest Christian retail chain in America, plans to close all 170 stores this year and shift its offerings entirely online.[/toggle]
[toggle]“The decision to close our local stores is a difficult one,” said acting president and CEO Brad Waggoner, who is succeeding longtime LifeWay president Thom Rainer.[/toggle]
[toggle]“LifeWay has developed close connections with the communities where our stores are located, and we have been honored to serve those communities. We will continue serving local congregations as they meet the spiritual needs of their neighbors.”[/toggle]SBC支部は1月、「売上減少と財政難により、今年は店舗数を減らす」と初期計画を発表したが、結局、2019年以降、店舗を持つのは現実的でないと判断した。ライナー氏は、「30州にまたがる店舗を守るためにできる限りのことをした」と語る。
[toggle]The Southern Baptist affiliate announced in January initial plans to reduce its locations this year due to declining sales and financial pressures, but ended up deciding it wasn’t viable to keep any stores open past 2019. Rainer said they did all they could to save the stores, which span across 30 states.[/toggle]
[toggle]“Our retail strategy for the future will be a greater focus on digital channels, which are experiencing strong growth,” Waggoner said in an announcement on Wednesday. The chain will continue online sales through LifeWay.com.[/toggle]2017年、キリスト教小売業で世界最大だった「ファミリー・クリスチャン・リソース」(ミシガン州グランドラピッズ)が増え続ける借金と経営破綻によって全240店舗を閉鎖した2年後、ライフウェイも後に続くことになった。SBCに次ぐ信徒を抱える合同メソジスト教会の小売り部門、コークスバリー書店(本部:テネシー州ナッシュビル)も13年、38店舗ある全書店を閉じた。
[toggle]LifeWay’s store closures come two years after its competitor, Family Christian Resources, shut down all 240 locations in the midst of mounting debt and bankruptcy. Cokesbury Bookstores closed all 38 retail stores in 2013.[/toggle]
[toggle]“As someone who spent 20 years working in Christian retail, I am sad that there will be 170 fewer physical stores where people can find and purchase Christian books, Bibles, and resources,” said Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) president and CEO Stan Jantz in response to LifeWay’s news.[/toggle]
[toggle]“Certainly in the short run, adjusting to this new reality will be a challenge … LifeWay stores have been an important channel for Christian publishers, but the life-changing content produced by ECPA members will continue to find and engage readers in ever more creative and effective ways.”[/toggle]インターネットやメガチャーチの書店、ベストセラーだけを置く一般書店で本が買われるようになったこの10年以上、「キリスト教書店をいかに守るか」について、クリスチャンは論じてきた(2008年の「クリスチャニティー・トゥデイ」〈CT〉の特集のタイトルだった)。
[toggle]For over a decade, Christians have been asking how to save the Christian bookstore (the title of a 2008 Christianity Today cover story) as shoppers increasingly turned to the internet, megachurch bookstores, and mainstream stores for top titles.[/toggle]パラブル・グループの調査によると、2018年、キリスト教書店の売り上げは総じて3%減じた。数年前ほどの激しい下落ではなかったものの、年々の損失を埋め合わせるほどではなかった。キリスト教書店の3分の2近くが、「最大の関心は商売の行く末だ」と述べ、利益はその次にすぎなかった。
[toggle]Overall, sales at Christian retailers declined 3 percent in 2018, according to research by The Parable Group. Even though the dips aren’t as dramatic as a few years before, it doesn’t make up for year after year of losses. Nearly two-thirds of Christian retailers said the future of their industry was a top concern—second only to their own declining margins.[/toggle]ライフウェイは1年半前、おしゃれなビジネス街であるナッシュビルに新しい本社を開いた。皮肉なことに、ライフウェイのかつての場所にはアマゾンのオフィスが入るだろう。
[toggle]The ministry just opened a stylish downtown Nashville location a year and a half ago at its new corporate headquarters. In an ironic twist, LifeWay’s former location will now house incoming Amazon offices.[/toggle]数年前、「ライフウェイは、地元の教会とのパートナーシップに焦点を当て、商品そのものを越えた経験を提供する、共同体が集う場へシフトする」とライナー氏は提案した。
[toggle]A few years ago, Rainer suggested LifeWay would focus on local church partnerships and shift toward becoming a community gathering place to offer an experience beyond the products themselves.[/toggle]「クリスチャンは誰でもアマゾンで、信じられないほど幅広い品揃えの中から商品を買え、サービスを受けることができます。しかし、私たちが見ているものは違います。教会のリーダーは、スタッフであれ、信徒であれ、『最適なテキストはどれか』と尋ねます。私たちは教会を知り、テキストを知っているので、それぞれの状況に適した回答ができるのです」と、2017年、CTに対してライナー氏は語っている。
[toggle]“Anybody in any church can go to Amazon and have this incredible breadth and incredible service,” he told CT in 2017. “But here’s what we’re finding: Church leaders—whether staff or lay persons—are asking questions like, ‘How do I know this resource is best?’ We have a contextualized answer because we know the church, and we know the resources.”[/toggle]しかし、買い物の流れはますます実店舗から離れていく一方だ。ライフウェイは10年以上も前から、売上高が営業経費を上回らなかったと、「バプテスト・リポート」は報じている。また両者の差は、2010年に230万ドルだったのが、17年には3550万ドルに広がった。
[toggle]But the trend away from brick-and-mortar shopping only grew worse. LifeWay hadn’t had sales exceed its operating expenses in more than a decade, Baptist Press reported, and the margin between the two grew from $2.3 million in 2010 to $35.5 million in 2017.[/toggle]SBCの昨年の年次総会で、「ライフウェイは数百万人の個人と数万の教会に奉仕している」と報告した。
[toggle]At last year’s SBC annual meeting, LifeWay reported serving “millions of individuals and tens of thousands of churches” with its offerings.[/toggle]
[toggle]The chain is run by the denomination, whose doctrinal guidelines set content standards (no prosperity gospel books, accounts of visiting heaven, and in recent years, titles by authors such as Jen Hatmaker, Mark Driscoll, and James MacDonald). But LifeWay draws in a broader Christian customer base, especially as its competition has shuttered over the years. Many Southern Baptists, Christian authors, and loyal shoppers offered tribute to the chain in the wake of the news.[/toggle]
[toggle]“Given industry trends this shouldn’t be as shocking as it is, but this also means I can’t wait till the day before our new bible study starts to pick up the book anymore,” tweeted Kathryn Freeman, director at Texas Baptists’ Christian Life Commission. “The women at my local LifeWay have been a great resource over the last few years. I’m sad to lose them!”[/toggle]
[toggle]“Since I began in the publishing industry in 2002, some 2,000 bookstores in America have closed their doors forever, including the 400 stores of the WaldenBooks chain. And now this. I’m very grateful for the @LifeWay team and will miss their stores,” tweeted author Joel Rosenberg, who has five books sold by LifeWay.[/toggle]キリスト教小売店では、書籍は依然としてトップの購入率をほこり、売り上げの3割以上を占める。巨大なチェーン店はいわゆる「イエスのがらくた」を扱っていると非難を浴びてきたが、その売り上げは、重要な書籍の出版などを支えるために使われてきた。
[toggle]Books remain the top item purchased at Christian stores, making up over a third of sales. The big chains have taken flak for carrying so-called Jesus junk, whose sales were used to bolster more serious products.[/toggle]過去数年来、思いがけずベストセラーになった数多くのキリスト教書は、わざわざキリスト教書店を探す必要がないほど大ヒットした。ゲーリー・チャップマンの『愛を伝える5つの方法』(いのちのことば社)、サラ・ヤングの『わたしは決してあなたをひとりにしない』(同)、またテレビ・シリーズ「フィクサー・アッパー」のジョアンナ・ゲインズや「ダック一族」のセイディー・ロバートソンら有名人の作品などだ。それらはウォルマートやターゲットというスーパーや空港、もちろんアマゾンでも販売されており、NBCニュースで最近取り上げられた。
[toggle]Many of the breakout Christian titles over the past several years—books like The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, and releases from celebrities like Fixer Upper’s Joanna Gaines and Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson—were big enough that buyers didn’t need to seek out a Christian store to find them; they were on sale at Wal-Mart Target, airports, and yes, Amazon, NBC News recently noted.[/toggle]このような「売れ筋」商品は、特にキリスト教書店で売れる商品の3倍もの売上があると、パラブル・グループは報告している。
[toggle]Parable Group reported that such “frontline” titles made up three times as much of the Christian products sold everywhere as they did in Christian stores in particular.[/toggle]
[toggle]“We are saddened by this news and the impact this will have on the LifeWay staff, publishing community, and surrounding communities,” said Greg Squires, president of the Christian marketing agency. “With this loss of another Christian retail chain, the hundreds of independent Christian bookstores have an expanded role and increased responsibility to serve their communities with Christian content and product.”[/toggle]閉店に関するさらなる情報はライフウェイのホームページにある。
[toggle]More information about the store closings is available at LifeWay.com/StoreFAQs.[/toggle]執筆:ケイト・シェルナット