[toggle]One large reason we resent God and just as soon forget about him is that he refuses to come to us in the way we think we need him to come to us. We reason like this: God is magnificent and wondrous, who knows no limits; thus he will come to us in unmistakable splendor. Yet our prayers waft into the silent beyond. Worship feels like a mud puddle of words. We ask for healing and we end up paying medical bills. We long for love and file for divorce. [/toggle]私たちが必要としている「しるしと不思議」の神はどこへ行ってしまったのだろう。頼りにならない方なのではないか。何度も神を求めて落胆するよりましだろうと、私たちは縦の関係を忘れ、横の関係に注目する。このような混乱があっても、これしか永遠のいのちへの道がないと信じているので、私たちはキリストへの信仰を捨てることなどはしない。ただ、神の臨在について真面目に考えているかは聞かないでほしい。
[toggle]Where is the God of miracle and wonder when we need him? He does not seem very dependable. And rather than look to him and be disappointed time and again, we decide to forget the vertical and focus on the horizontal. We’re sensible enough not to abandon Christian faith because in spite of our confusion we still believe it the way to eternal life. Just don’t ask us to take seriously the presence of God. [/toggle]もしかすると、栄光の神は他の人には現れるのかもしれない。もしかすると、それは聖書の時代だけだったのかもしれない。もしかすると、昔、はるか昔にはそうだったのかもしれない。しかし現在は、ない。この場所では、ない。この先にも、ない。
[toggle]Maybe the glorious God shows up other people’s lives. Maybe back in the Bible days. Maybe once in our life a long, long time ago. But not today, not here, not in the foreseeable future. [/toggle]「しるしと不思議」の神はもちろん、その大部分が私たちの想像の産物だ。私たちが神にこうあってほしいと思っているだけなのだ。しかし、神は日々、そして永遠にそうなのではない。
[toggle]The God of miracle and wonder, of course, is in large part a figment of our imagination. It’s the way we want God to be. It’s not the way he is day to day, eternity to eternity. [/toggle]もちろん、聖書にはしるしも不思議もある。今日でも、神の栄光の力を体験した人はいる。それについて疑問を呈しているのではない。しかしその数は、私たちが思っているほど多くはない。主がよみがえったのを多くの人が自分の目と耳で見、そして聞いたにもかかわらず、まだ疑う者がいたことを思い出してほしい。「(11人の弟子は)イエスに会い、ひれ伏した。しかし、疑う者もいた」(マタイ28:17)
[toggle]Oh yes, there are miracles and wonders in the Bible. To be sure, some have experienced the power and the glory of God today. No question about it. But these are not nearly as obvious as we sometimes think. Remember that many saw and heard the resurrected Lord right before their very eyes and ears, and yet they still doubted (Matt. 28:17). [/toggle]
[toggle]We are wiser to think of miracle and wonder as God’s defibrillator. We are sometimes so dead to God we need an electric shock to the heart to wake us up. But after that, things return to normal, and God returns to his normal mode of address. Man does not live by divine defibrillator alone, for a life of miracle and wonder would kill us. Instead, God comes to us as silently and subtly as the steady beating of our hearts. [/toggle]神を求めることの初めの1歩目が、神の臨在に対して私たちがどれだけ不快に思っているかを認めることなら、2歩目は、神が私たちと一緒にいることを選んでくださったと受け入れることだ。私たちは自分の望みが何であるかを知る必要がある。もし奇跡を望むなら、神を見つけることは決してできない。もし神を望むなら、奇跡をあきらめて平凡の中で神を探さなければならない。
[toggle]If the first step in desiring God is to recognize how much we resent his presence, the second step is to accept how, in fact, he has chosen to be with us. We have to know what it is we desire. If we desire miracles, we will never find God. If we desire God, we must give up miracles and look for him in the mundane. [/toggle]人間と説教者の不適切な言葉の中に
In the confusing language and idioms of the Bible.
In the bread and wine of Communion.
In the water of baptism.
In the gathering or two or three come together for prayer.
In the everyday experience of mystery, of not knowing, of wonder, of the perplexing—of which life is chock full. [/toggle]
[toggle]If we look for God in any place but the mundane, we will not find him, because it is there that he comes and dwells among us, full of grace and truth. [/toggle]執筆者のマーク・ガリは「クリスチャニティー・トゥデイ」の編集長。