




[toggle]Christian Living/Discipleship
The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World
Rosaria Butterfield (Crossway)

“This is a profoundly challenging book that I would happily recommend to any of my Christian friends. I didn’t agree with every jot and tittle, although I share Butterfield’s complementarian theology. But the book offers both a vital critique of our Christian cultural norms and a beautiful, gritty, hard-won vision for how we could live together more faithfully. I laughed out loud at Butterfield’s anecdote about her mother banging on the door during a radio interview, and I cried when she recounted her mother’s death-bed conversion. I will live better because of this book.” —Rebecca McLaughlin, writer and speaker, author of Confronting Christianity (forthcoming)[/toggle]



[toggle]Award of Merit
The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home
Russell Moore (B&H)

“As a pastor, I often earmark books that could be a great resource for church members. This time, The Storm-Tossed Family was the book I needed. With one adjective, storm-tossed, Moore captures perfectly the state of affairs in my home. With the gentleness of a fellow parent, he unmoors us from the frantic idolatry of family and reorients our focus on the crucified Savior who has the power to say to the wind and waves, ‘Peace, be still.’ Moore puts his rhetorical gifts to work, turning phrases, weaving together Scriptures, and summoning apt illustrations with the unction of a preacher but the meekness of a bleary-eyed father of five. He shares his own failures and shortcomings while faithfully directing our gaze to the grace of Christ’s cross as a hopeful anchor for the family.” —Chad Ashby, pastor of College Street Baptist Church in Newberry, South Carolina [/toggle]

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[toggle]The Church/Pastoral Leadership
Preaching as Reminding: Stirring Memory in an Age of Forgetfulness
Jeffrey D. Arthurs (IVP Academic)

“This book just became required reading for any young pastor I have the privilege of ministering to in the future. Thankfully, the evangelical church over the past half-century has emphasized the need for expositional preaching. Yet much of what passes as expositional preaching today lacks impact. It tends to feel more like a running commentary on the text, rather than preaching. Arthurs underscores the importance of remembering in preaching. He provides a helpful biblical theology of the role of memory, cites modern science’s help in this area, and then applies the knowledge to the discipline of preaching. This book is engaging, informative, and lively—just like our preaching should be.” —Jason Helopoulos, senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan, author of The New Pastor’s Handbook[/toggle]



[toggle]Award of Merit
The Forgotten Church: Why Rural Ministry Matters for Every Church in America
Glenn Daman (Moody)

“As a church planter in a rural (or micropolitan) setting, I found Daman’s work to be helpful, refreshing, and encouraging. He charts a path forward that doesn’t ask ministry efforts to be geared exclusively toward the city or the small town. With the overwhelming majority of my (Southern Baptist) denomination’s churches existing in small-town or rural contexts, I believe The Forgotten Church is an immensely important book for the future of ministry across the country.” —Dayton Hartman, lead pastor at Redeemer Church in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, author of Lies Pastors Believe[/toggle]

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[toggle]CT Women
Perfectly Human: Nine Months with Cerian
Sarah C. Williams (Plough Publishing)

“In Perfectly Human, Williams allows the reader to join her in the most excruciating journey of her life—carrying her daughter, Cerian, to term, knowing the child would not survive her own birth. With honesty and transparency, she invites readers to experience how she and her family wrestled with the sort of gut-wrenching questions and decisions few will ever have to confront. In doing so, she moves conversations about the sanctity, value, and beauty of life to a deeper, more human level.” —Courtney Doctor, writer and speaker, author of From Garden to Glory[/toggle]



[toggle]Award of Merit
White Picket Fences: Turning Toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege
Amy Julia Becker (NavPress)

“The word privilege is increasingly important in our national conversation about racial justice. For people of faith, the word ripples with significance because we worship the God who is Love, equally for all people. Amy Julia Becker writes from her context as an affluent white woman who could live comfortably within the white picket fences of suburbia. Yet she chooses to broaden her definition of neighbor. Told with grace and humility, this memoir will be a helpful companion to those who are wrestling with similar questions about privilege.” —Ruth Everhart, pastor of Hermon Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland, author of Ruined: A Memoir [/toggle]



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