

[toggle]The Church / Pastoral Leadership [/toggle]


[toggle]The Care of Souls: Cultivating a Pastor’s Heart[/toggle]


[toggle]Harold Senkbeil (Lexham Press) [/toggle]


[toggle] “I will be returning to this book again, to read it carefully and slowly. The rhythms and the wisdom in The Care of Souls reminded me of the books by Eugene Peterson that shaped my soul as a young pastor—books that God, in his mercy, used to keep me from boarding my own ship to Tarshish. Senkbeil’s images and analogies aren’t drawn from boardrooms but from agrarian themes of shepherding, sheep dogs, and farming, all of which are far closer not only to biblical images but also to the realities of pastoral life, in which anything good grows slowly and follows the contours of a particular place. Many books on pastoral ministry convey information; this book renewed my joy in being a pastor and, every once in a while, traced a tear at the corner of my eye.” —Timothy Paul Jones, professor of family ministry, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary[/toggle]


[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]


[toggle]Spirit and Sacrament: An Invitation to Eucharismatic Worship[/toggle]


[toggle]Andrew Wilson (Zondervan) [/toggle]


[toggle] “I found this book useful during a time when I was thinking through different questions of liturgy. Wilson combines sound argumentation with beautiful prose. I may not have agreed with everything he has to say, but I enjoyed reading it. And where I disagreed, his argumentation made me think more carefully as to why.” —Juan Sanchez, senior pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas[/toggle]


[toggle] (Read an adapted essay from Spirit and Sacrament.) [/toggle]

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[toggle]CT Women[/toggle]


[toggle]What Is a Girl Worth?: My Story of Breaking the Silence and Exposing the Truth About Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics[/toggle]


[toggle]Rachael Denhollander (Tyndale Momentum) [/toggle]


[toggle] “In January 2018, I watched Rachel Denhollander testify against her abuser, Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics national team doctor. It was an absolute privilege to read her story in this powerful memoir. In it, Denhollander shines a powerful light on the issue of abuse, discusses the lack of response from trusted people in her life, and shares her story of building a case against Larry Nassar. Her book helps us grieve over abuse, learn how to care well for its victims, and prevent it from occurring in the future.” —Chelsea Patterson Sobolik, policy director, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission[/toggle]


[toggle] (Read CT’s review of What Is a Girl Worth?) [/toggle]


[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]


[toggle]His Testimonies, My Heritage: Women of Color on the Word of God[/toggle]


[toggle]Edited by Kristie Anyabwile (The Good Book Company) [/toggle]


[toggle] “This is a book that the church needs today, combining thoughtful reflection, robust theology, and diverse perspectives. The devotionals span the human experience, meditating on truths about Scripture, suffering, joy, and injustice. They are grounded in eternal truths but expressed in the context of the particular times and places in which these women live. For women of color, this resource will likely quench a thirst that’s been felt for some time. For the rest of us, this resource should help train us to learn from diverse sources and seek out voices we have ignored.” —Kaitlyn Schiess, staff writer, Christ and Pop Culture[/toggle]


[toggle]Culture & the Arts[/toggle]


[toggle]Write Better: A Lifelong Editor on Craft, Art, and Spirituality[/toggle]


[toggle]Andrew Le Peau (InterVarsity Press) [/toggle]


[toggle] “Writing, and especially writing that’s thoughtful, engaging, and creative, can often seem like an arcane art—one that feels out of reach for many. In Write Better, longtime editor Andrew Le Peau offers concise, thoughtful advice on a number of writerly topics: struggling with creativity and writer’s block, crafting sentences that captivate and reward readers, publishing, and even copyright and legal issues. Above all, Le Peau encourages writers by reminding them of the gift that God has given to them. Writing can be an insular, introverted activity, but LePeau does well to remind us that writing should ultimately be a blessing to others.” —Jason Morehead, pop culture blogger at Opus[/toggle]


[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]


[toggle]Adorning the Dark: Thoughts on Community, Calling, and the Mystery of Making[/toggle]


[toggle]Andrew Peterson (B&H) [/toggle]


[toggle] “Falling somewhere between memoir and manual, this odd and wonderful tale about Peterson’s calling and craft has to be the most remarkable book of its kind this year. In so many ways, it shows—rather than tells—by giving the reader an abundant sense of the arduous journey undertaken by artists who want to glorify Christ with their art. As he presents it, that journey is full of stops and starts, catastrophes and conundrums, moments of profound, worshipful clarity, but also seasons of struggle and hard work to win that clarity back. At turns vulnerable and exuberant, Adorning the Dark is both eminently practical and yet inspires with the comforting wisdom a trusted friend would give.” —Taylor Worley, associate professor of faith and culture, Trinity International University[/toggle]


[toggle] (Read CT’s interview with Andrew Peterson and an excerpt from Adorning the Dark.) [/toggle]




[toggle]Light from Distant Stars[/toggle]


[toggle]Shawn Smucker (Revell) [/toggle]


[toggle] “Shawn Smucker’s genre-bending novel, about a single week in the life of middle-aged mortician Cohen Marah, is a book to be savored. When Cohen’s father is found critically injured, questions abound—not the least of which is: Did Cohen do it? Thrust into the past, Cohen relives important moments in his childhood, coming face-to-face with a tragic memory that has shaped his life in grievous ways. When past and present collide and Cohen is forced to reconcile his current reality with a history that seems more terrible fantasy than fact, grace becomes a sacred hope that holds the very power of redemption. Light from Distant Stars is a singular experience, one infused with all the beauty and mystery of a broken creation that groans as in the pains of childbirth.” —Nicole Baart, novelist, author of You Were Always Mine and Little Broken Things[/toggle]


[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]




[toggle]Ruben Degollado (Slant) [/toggle]


[toggle] “Tough, real, and heartfelt. Throw is a richly drawn, immersive look into South Texas Mexican-American culture in all its conflicting facets, mingled with a story of guilt and forgiveness, despair and newfound hope in Christ.” —R. J. Anderson, fantasy and science-fiction author[/toggle]


[toggle]History / Biography[/toggle]


[toggle]God in the Rainforest: A Tale of Martyrdom and Redemption in Amazonian Ecuador[/toggle]


[toggle]Kathryn Long (Oxford University Press) [/toggle]


[toggle] “The romantic legend of Jim Elliot and his missionary friends, speared to death in 1956 by Waorani warriors, is firmly fixed in evangelical folklore. The subsequent Christian conversion of the Waorani is often recounted triumphantly as proof of God’s redemption of indigenous peoples, stimulating many missionary vocations and helping to raise funds for a new wave of Bible translators. At the other extreme, secular critics accuse the Ecuadorian missionaries of ethnocide, as ‘the new conquistadors’ of Latin America. Long cuts through these rhetorical tropes, subjecting them to searing analysis. She provides a detailed reconstruction of Waorani religious culture from the 1950s to the present, examining the complexities and failures that have been airbrushed from the idealized narratives.” —Andrew Atherstone, tutor in history and doctrine, Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford[/toggle]


[toggle] (Read CT’s article on God in the Rainforest.) [/toggle]


[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]


[toggle] (Tie) Anointed with Oil: How Christianity and Crude Made Modern America[/toggle]


[toggle]Darren Dochuk (Basic Books) [/toggle]


[toggle] “Anointed with Oil provides fascinating insight into how religion became embedded in the modern US economy and how fossil-fuel capitalism became embedded in US faith and values. It is a detailed and panoramic survey of the relationship between different approaches to Christianity and different approaches to industry and commerce. It contains colorful and potent characters and is lively despite its length. Dochuk’s style is always clear and fluent. He digs deep and gives the reader a strong sense of the power that oil and its unsustainable benefits have over the American soul.” —Stephen Tomkins, author of The Journey to the Mayflower: God’s Outlaws and the Invention of Freedom[/toggle]


[toggle] (Read CT’s review of Anointed with Oil.) [/toggle]


[toggle] (Tie) One Soul at a Time: The Story of Billy Graham[/toggle]


[toggle]Grant Wacker (Eerdmans) [/toggle]


[toggle] “Wacker’s biography presents a well-researched window into Billy Graham as a man who had a powerful public career as an evangelist. It contains short, readable chapters that unveil the real Graham, flaws and all, and the incredible impact he had on millions of people. Wacker does an excellent job showing how Graham was able to skillfully understand the trends of his era and speak to individuals in a powerful, life-changing way. While Graham constantly adapted the fine nuances of his approach to the ever-changing culture and his specific audiences, Wacker effectively points out his heart never changed. He consistently sought to give every person the opportunity to embrace the Good News of the gospel.” —Karin Stetina, professor of theology, Biola University[/toggle]


[toggle] (Read an excerpt from One Soul at a Time.) [/toggle]


「クリスチャニティー・トゥデイ」(Christianity Today)は、1956年に伝道者ビリー・グラハムと編集長カール・ヘンリーにより創刊された、クリスチャンのための定期刊行物。96年、ウェブサイトが開設されて記事掲載が始められた。雑誌は今、500万以上のクリスチャン指導者に毎月届けられ、オンラインの購読者は1000万に上る。
