


[toggle]Ander is only one of many Christian men who are part of the downward turn in marriage trends. According to data from the World Values Survey, regular church attenders in the seven countries I studied do indeed have a better shot at being married—at almost every age. But the predictions varied across countries. [/toggle]


[toggle]For example, 76 percent of Polish women who attend church weekly are expected to be married by age 30, and 88 percent by age 35. That’s about 10 percentage points above women of the same age in the United States and Spain. [/toggle]


[toggle]The marriage gap between churchgoers and everyone else, however, is especially striking. In the United States, 72 percent of men who attend church weekly are expected to be married at age 35, while the same is predicted for only 50 percent of American men who don’t regularly attend. [/toggle]


[toggle]How do American evangelicals fare? In a nationally representative survey collected in 2014 for the Austin Institute (where I’m a research fellow), 56 percent of self-identified evangelicals between ages 20 and 39 told us they were currently married. That number is well above the 42 percent reported by the rest of the same-age population. A repeated inquiry four years later yielded an obvious dip. In late 2018, 51 percent of evangelicals 20 to 39 were married, compared to 40 percent of that total population. The number is still higher, but it’s falling faster. [/toggle]


[toggle]Meanwhile, the portion of evangelicals who said they were cohabiting rose from 3.9 percent to 6.7 percent in the same span of time. Support for cohabitation sprouted from 16 percent of this population in 2014 to 27 percent by late 2018. Very few of the surveyed evangelicals believe that marriage is “outdated,” but a growing minority of them now perceive an alternative pathway to get there. [/toggle]


[toggle]Official church records also note obvious decline over time. A look at the Statistical Yearbook of the Church, a Catholic publication, reveals that Catholic marriages in the United States have plunged 59 percent since 1965, when there were 9 weddings for every 10 funerals. By 2017, that ratio had dipped to 3.7 for every 10. Unless you’re pastoring a hipster evangelical church whose median age is under 40, you may be doing more burying than marrying. [/toggle]


[toggle]Why? One understated factor is the endemic uncertainty exhibited by Ander and others like him. [/toggle]



[toggle]In theory, committing should diminish such doubt—especially if it concerns finances. After all, two together can accomplish more than one (Ecc. 4:9–12). But most men and women don’t perceive marriage this way anymore. In no country did I hear a consistent description of marriage as a means to combat or mitigate material, social, or psychological uncertainty. [/toggle]



[toggle]In fact, I heard quite the opposite from many of my interview subjects, including Victor, a 29-year-old Orthodox Christian in Moscow. The very concept that he’s attracted to—having a wife and children—creates questions in his mind. What would he do if his wife became unstable or difficult? What if he struggled to support his family? And what about the challenge of living in a tiny apartment? “It’s very problematic,” he told me, “to create a family in the conditions of a modern metropolis.” [/toggle]


[toggle]The story of how this pandemic of uncertainty came to be is no straightforward tale about sexual revolutions, gig economies, or substandard men. Instead, what people expect from marriage has changed profoundly, even though what marriage offers has not. [/toggle]




[toggle]Marriage, even in the minds of most Christians, is now perceived as a capstone that marks a successful young adult life, not the foundational hallmark of entry into adulthood. The nomenclature attests to this. A capstone is the finishing touch of a structure. It’s a moment in time. A foundation, however, is what a building rests upon. It is necessarily hard-wearing. In the foundational vision, being newly married and poor was common, expected, and difficult, but often temporary. In the capstone standard, being poor is a sign that you’re just not marriage material yet. [/toggle]


[toggle]As Russell Moore laments in The Storm-Tossed Family, marriage is increasingly a “vehicle of self-actualization” rather than a setting for self-sacrifice. [/toggle]


[toggle]Chloe, a 27-year-old interview subject from Michigan, explains this mentality. “You have your 20s to focus on you,” she said, “and then [after that] you try to help others.” This approach, common amongh her peers, is poor preparation for marriage. Self-sacrifice is learned behavior, not a gift for your 30th birthday. [/toggle]


[toggle]Marital mission creep is not exclusive to the prosperous West, either. Ndidi, a 28-year-old unmarried Pentecostal from Lagos, was clear about the conditions under which she would marry. “When I have everything I want,” she said. “When I am able to achieve everything I want to achieve for myself. Then I will get married.” [/toggle]

同じラゴス出身の別の女性(24歳・未婚)も同じ意見だ。彼女は笑って言った。「ありえないですよ! 結婚してまで苦しみたくはないです」

[toggle]Another 24-year-old unmarried woman from Lagos concurred. “Oh, please!” she said, laughing. “I can’t marry and suffer.” [/toggle]


[toggle]Most of the young Christians we interviewed articulated high expectations for matrimony and a low tolerance for sacrifice. They frankly didn’t like to give of themselves too much. They might have balked at talk of soulmates, but they secretly pined for one. [/toggle]


[toggle]By contrast, couples who managed to thwart such elevated standards could see the future more clearly. [/toggle]


[toggle]Pawe, 24, and Marta, 29, are a recently married couple living in Krakow. Marta is a full-time mother to their one-year-old daughter, while Pawe is in the middle of graduate studies in philosophy at a nearby university. [/toggle]


[toggle]The Krakow couple went against the current in a number of ways. By having a modest wedding, the two saved money, but in doing so, they frayed social ties. Marta is from a small town where weddings are a very big deal. “It was a bit of a scandal,” Pawe confessed, “because we didn’t have a big reception.” But she and Pawe were convinced that there’s far more to the good of marriage than satisfying friends and neighbors. [/toggle]


[toggle]When I asked them whether they thought marriage had changed, Marta was blunt. “Yes. It’s now about comfort in marriage, looking for comfort, [more] than it was 20 to 30 years ago,” she said. “When I think about my family and parents, they didn’t have [much] money or [own] a home.” [/toggle]


[toggle]She and Pawe have followed in that same tradition and taken a foundation view of marriage rather than a capstone one. Their life together, while hardly simple, reflects a confidence in their Maker that eludes many of their peers. [/toggle]



[toggle]In my research, I saw very few couples esteeming this more functional, foundational, natural-next-step approach to matrimony. Here’s what that tells me: Marriage is moving away from its populist roots and is no longer a practice that most of the world’s adults participate in and benefit from. Instead, it’s fast becoming an elite, voluntary, and consumption-oriented arrangement that takes place later in life. The advantaged now consolidate their wealth and income by marrying, while the disadvantaged are left without even the help of each other. But how many of us see clearly that marriage is about social justice? Not very many. [/toggle]


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