


Many of the preparations that families and churches should make for natural and manmade disasters are the same. Broadly speaking, it is wise to prepare for disasters where you have to leave (evacuate), and those where you have to stay in place.


Here are suggestions for preparing for emergencies requiring you to leave your area—but please carefully consult the FEMA website when making any plans (www.ready.gov/build-a-kit):


  • 州外に住む友人や親戚で、家族全員が自分の無事を電話で伝えられる人を探す。地元の電話回線は混み合っていても、州外にはつながることもある。家族全員がその人の電話番号を知っていることを確認し、緊急事態に使えるよう、携帯電話やテレフォン・カード、小銭を持っておくこと。
Identify a friend or relative out-of-state that each family member can call and let them know you are safe. Local phone circuits may be jammed, while calling out of the area may be possible. Make sure every family member knows the phone number of that contact and has a cell phone, coins, or a prepaid phone card to call in an emergency.
  • 携帯を持っているなら、「緊急連絡先」と名づけたグループに、緊急時に連絡を取るべき人の番号を登録しておき、何かあった時には、救急救命士などがその人に連絡できるようにしておく。
If you have a cell phone, program contact person(s) as “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) in your phone, which emergency responders will look for incase you are in an accident or need treatment. Be sure to tell family and friends that you’ve listed them as an emergency contact.
  • 携帯メールの送り方を家族に教えておく(SMS、ショート・メッセージなど)。電話回線が混み合っていても、メッセージは送れることもある。インターネットがつながっていれば、ツイッターなども利用できる。
Teach family members how to use text messaging (also known as SMS or Short Message Service). Text messages can often get through when phone lines are jammed. Twitter may be available if Internet service is running.
  • 地元の緊急連絡メール・サービスなどに登録しておく。
Subscribe for local emergency text or email announcements.


  • 緊急時には、携帯メールかツイッター以外の方法で家族が連絡を取るのが難しくなる(携帯とインターネットのシステムがダウンしていなければ)。緊急事態になる前に、家族と一緒に、「自分ならどこへ避難して、誰と連絡を取るか」話し合っておく。地元の地域全域が避難対象区域となった場合に備え、「離れた地域では、どこへ行くか」も話し合うべき。FEMAのサイトには、緊急連絡先の情報を最新のものにしておくための用紙がある。
In an emergency, it may be difficult for family members to talk with each other, except possibly by texting or Twitter (unless cell and internet systems are down). Before an emergency, sit down and plan where you will try to go and whom you will try to contact. This should include an out-of-the-area location if you know that your area around your home has to be evacuated. FEMA has a form that can be used to keep emergency contact information up-to-date: https://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/FamEmePlan_2012.pdf.
  • 職場や学校から直接避難する場合に備え、3日分以上の食料と水、その他の持ち物(下記の「非常持ち出し袋」を参照)を車に積んでおく。
It is wise to carry three or more days of food, water, and other supplies (see “emergency kits” below) in your car in case you have to evacuate directly from work or school.
  • 非常持ち出し袋を自宅に用意する。数日分の食料や重要書類のコピーを準備しておき、すぐに避難できるようにする。工場の事故や電車の脱線事故、火事などの際、全員避難までに数分の猶予しかない。
At home, prepare a “bug out” bag that includes several days of supplies, as well as copies of important documents, so you can leave on short notice. Industrial accidents, train derailments, and fires can all force people to leave home with only a few minutes notice.
  • 家から避難する際、電気や水道、ガスなどの元栓のしめ方を知っておくこと。https://www.ready.gov/safety-skills (英語のみ)(次ページに続く)
Know how to shut off your utilities before you leave your home: https://www.ready.gov/safety-skills.
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