[toggle]What’s wrong with exercising power?The third temptation of Christ was the temptation for power. Satan offered Jesus immediate power and influence if only he would bow to Satan. Nouwen writes: “The temptation to consider power an apt instrument for the proclamation of the Gospel is the greatest of all.”
And he makes this searing observation: “The temptation of power is greatest when intimacy is a threat. Much Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead. Many Christian empire-builders have been people unable to give and receive love.” [/toggle]
[toggle]In addition, we have noticed that many in Christian leadership are attracted to or desire power to medicate a great sense of inadequacy that is resting deep in their souls. [/toggle]ピーターの力はその言葉にあった。彼の言葉は人を刺激し、やる気を起こさせる。神のために使えば、ミニストリーにビジョンを掲げることができる。信徒は目的地を目指して力いっぱいオールをこぐようになる。一方、自分の欲のためにそれを使えば、他者からの批判を受け入れられないばかりか、逆にその人たちを批判するようになる。自分の言葉が壁を作り、人と打ち解ける妨げになるのだ。そのことにピーターが気づくまでには時間がかかった。しかし、口論の際、別れた妻が、「私の話を聞いてくれない。最後はいつも私を悪者にする」と言っていた理由がようやく分かった。ピーターの賜物には、人を導く力と傷つける力の両面があったのだ。
[toggle]Peter’s power was often in his words. He could inspire, persuade, and motivate. When used with godly motivation, he could cast a vision for a church or ministry, and followers would grab their oars and do their part to get where they needed to go. When used with selfish ambition or in self-protection, Peter would deflect someone’s perceived criticism or, at worst, make the criticism all about them. It took time for him to see how he used words to build a wall, to create a false identity at times, and to keep from real intimacy. Eventually he understood why his now ex-wife would end an argument with, “You never listen and it always ends up being about me.” Peter’s giftedness gave him power—power to lead or power to hurt. Sometimes he didn’t even know which of the two he was doing. [/toggle]クリスチャンの指導者は、能力を示すこと、有名になること、権力への誘惑に敏感でなければならないとナウエンは説く。主のために働くとき、この3つは有用であるが、人を傷つけ、害をなすこともあり、その違いは紙一重といえる。これらが最終目的になり、「目的は手段を正当化する」と考えるようになると問題だ。これらをミニストリーに利用する際の最大の問題は、世の手段に頼ってキリストの道を進もうとしてしまうことなのだ。
[toggle]Nouwen argues that Christian leaders are susceptible to the temptations of relevance, of being spectacular, and of power. At first glance there seems to be a fine line between when one of these characteristics is okay and useful in doing kingdom work and when it has become something destructive or even evil. Obviously, when any of these become the end goal, that’s a problem. It’s also a problem when we start playing the ends-justify-the-means game. Perhaps the biggest problem when tapping these things for the sake of ministry is that one can depend on the tools of the world and forego the way of Christ. [/toggle]妻のカリーと私は、神の愛を経験する牧師のための集会を主催した。出席者の中には、うなずきながら涙を流す人もいれば、無反応の人もいた。昼食時、私は5人の牧師グループと同席した。
[toggle]Kari and I led a denominational conference for pastors on experiencing God’s love. We could tell many in attendance were being impacted through their nods and tears and we could also tell that some were not being impacted. On a lunch break I sat at a table with a group of five pastors. [/toggle]私が近づくと、彼らは急に話をやめたが、私は気にせずに席に着いた。数秒の気まずい沈黙のあと、一人が、「私たちが何を話していたかを聞いてほしい」と私に言った。彼は話し始めた。「会議のテーマは悪くないが、もっと実際的な話がしたい。たとえば、礼拝出席200人の壁をどう破るかとか、青年伝道の効果的な方法とか……」。ほかの4人も口々に「現状打開策を求めている」と言った。
[toggle]When I approached their table I noticed that their conversation abruptly stopped but I didn’t take the hint and sat down anyway. After a few moments of awkward silence, the outspoken one of the group asked me if they could tell me what they were talking about. “Sure,” I said, now tentative. He began, “Well, your topic is fine but what we would really like from our denominational conference is something practical. We were just discussing it would be more helpful to learn how to break the 200 in attendance barrier, or the most effective youth group materials…” The rest of his comrades began rapid firing other practical situations that they desperately wanted help with. [/toggle]ミニストリーに忙殺されている時、実際的な助言を求めることが悪いことだとは言わない。素晴らしい結果を出そうとすることが間違っているとも言わない。だが、この牧師たちが忘れていることがある。彼らの教派の長は、会議に出席することで教会奉仕者が気持ちを新たにすることを望んでいた。ミニストリーの核心は、神に愛され、神を愛することだと信じている。出席者の多くはそれを理解し、心が満たされた。前へ進み、キリストを証しする準備ができた。だが、そうではない人もいた。彼らが望んでいたことは、効率と見た目の派手さと権力だったからだ。
[toggle]I am not saying that it is not a real need to want practical guidance, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed by ministry. I am not saying that it is wrong to want to do your ministry with excellence and have the greatest results possible. But what these pastors were missing was this: the head of their denomination wanted the conference to be a time of refreshment and renewal for those serving their churches. He, and we, believe the heartbeat of ministry should be being loved by God and loving God. Many in the room got that and their hearts were filled and they were ready to go forth and bring Christ to those they serve. Some did not because what they really wanted was to be effective, spectacular, and powerful. [/toggle]初めは小さな誘惑が、もっと効率よく、もっと派手に、もっと力強くという欲から、いつしか境界線を越え、次第にエスカレートしていく。しかし最も危険なのは、境界線を越えるうちに、魂を神以外のものに明け渡してしまうことだ。魂の飢えを満たすのは神か、別のものか。魂が飢えたとき、誤ったもので魂を満たしてしまうと、「なぜこんなことをしたのか。なぜこんなことが起きたのか」と自問するような状況に陥ってしまうだろう。
[toggle]Temptation tends to begin small. In the desire to be a little more effective, a little more spectacular, or a little more powerful, one starts cutting corners or crossing lines. A danger is that one will then start cutting bigger corners and crossing bigger lines. Perhaps a greater danger, however, is that in cutting the corners and crossing the lines you are quietly giving your soul to something other than God. Soul hunger can be fed by God, or by a substitute. When your soul is hungry, you will find something to try to fill it, and if it’s with the wrong thing, eventually you find yourself in situation asking, “Why did I do this? How could this have happened?” [/toggle]ヘンリ・ナウエンは言う。「あまりに私は、能力を示すこと、有名になること、強い権力を手に入れることを、効果的な働きのために必要だと見なしていました。しかし本当のところ、これらの欲求は神の召しではなく、誘惑です」(95~96頁)
[toggle]As Henri Nouwen put it: “Too often I looked at being relevant, popular, and powerful as ingredients of an effective ministry. The truth, however, is that these are not vocations but temptations.” [/toggle]執筆者のマイク・マッケンジーは、コロラドで、妻のカリーと共にクリスチャン・リーダーのためのカウンセリングを行い、セラピー施設やマーブル・リトリートを運営している。また、リンカーン・クリスチャン大学(Lincoln Christian University)の牧会学博士課程で教職者ケア・クラスを指導している。