[toggle]There’s a diner here in Colorado that has quotes all over the walls. When my wife, Kari, and I were there, we took particular notice of one of those quotes: “The 3 G’s get preachers in trouble—the gold, the glory, and the girls.” While there is some truth to this quote (we often work with pastors who have gotten themselves into trouble in one of these areas), these troubles are not the real problem. They are symptoms. Much deeper temptations are the root issues that make Christian leaders susceptible to the glory, the gold, and the girls.[/toggle]ピーターは、牧師として望みうる多くのものを手にしていた。彼が牧会する3つの教会は、人数的にも経済的にも成功していたし、絶えず説教や執筆を依頼されていた。国際的な超教派での働きも託されていた。妻には執筆と証しの機会が増えていった。順調だった彼の人生は、愛人の一人が情事を暴露したことにより一変した。牧師職も家庭も失い、評判は地に落ちた。生きる希望も失いかけた。
[toggle]Peter was the golden boy for his denomination. He had accomplished what most pastors dream of: each of the three churches he started or took over was very successful numerically and financially; he was a sought- after speaker and writer; he was asked to lead an international parachurch ministry; and his attractive wife had a growing writing and speaking ministry. Life was good, until one of his mistresses couldn’t keep the secret anymore. In the tsunami that followed that week, Peter lost his ministry, marriage, reputation, and nearly his will to live. [/toggle]ピーターがカウンセリングを受けに私たちのマーブル・リトリートを訪ねてきた時、彼の心にあったのは、「どうしてこんなことになったのか」という問いだった。
[toggle]When Peter came to Marble Retreat to begin the process of healing, the big question on his heart and mind was, “How could I have done this?” [/toggle]ヘンリ・ナウエンは著書『イエスの御名で』(後藤敏夫訳、あめんどう、増刷準備中)の中で、イエスがサタンの誘惑にあったことに触れ、現代のクリスチャンの指導者にも同様のことが起こりうると述べている。「石をパンに変えよ」という最初の誘惑は「能力を示すことへの誘惑」だとナウエンは言う。つまり、有効性を求め、現実的で有益なことを行い、世間の常識に従うことへの誘惑である。それは一見害はないし、聖書的にすら思える。「私たちは地の塩、世の光ではないか。世に変化をもたらし、飢えた人に食べさせ、裸の人に服を着せることを期待されているではないか」と。
[toggle]Henri Nouwen, in his book In the Name of Jesus, reflects on the temptations Satan offered to Jesus and how these same temptations are offered to those in Christian leadership today. Nouwen interprets the first temptation, Satan’s challenging Jesus to turn the stones into bread, as the temptation to be relevant. Or in other words, it is a temptation to be effective, to accomplish something practical and clearly beneficial, something the world believes is the answer to the problems at hand. What could possibly be wrong with this? At first glance, it seems harmless and even biblical—are we not to be salt and light to this world, to make a difference, to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, with whatever resources we have available? What’s wrong with relevance? [/toggle]
[toggle]Nouwen suggests that the root temptation is putting our worth in our achievements and not in Christ. “The question is not: How many people take you seriously? How much are you going to accomplish? Can you show some results? But: Are you in love with Jesus? Perhaps another way of putting the question would be: Do you know the incarnate God?” The temptation in desiring to be relevant is that being “relevant,” not our love of Christ, guides our steps. Visible success in ministry can become an idol and dangerous for the soul. [/toggle]ナウエンは言う。「イエスに従う者として、私たちが携えるべきすばらしいメッセージは、神は、私たちの行ないや成し遂げることのゆえに私たちを愛されるのではなく、愛の内に私たちを創造し、贖(あがな)われたがゆえに私たちを愛される、ということです。そして、すべての人間のいのちの真の源である愛を宣べ伝えるために、私たちは選ばれました」(30頁)
[toggle] “The great message that we have to carry, as ministers of God’s word and followers of Jesus,” writes Nouwen, “is that God loves us not because of what we do or accomplish, but because God has created and redeemed us in love and has chosen us to proclaim that love as the true source of all human life.” [/toggle]能力を示すことや有効性への誘惑は、自分が正しいと思う方法で世界を変えようとするだけでなく、目に見える結果だけに価値を置くという重荷を課す。多くの牧会者を見てきたが、彼らが抱える「結果を出さねば」というプレッシャーは、やがて「結果第一」「結果がすべて」という強迫観念になっていく。
[toggle]The temptation in seeking to be relevant or effective is that we not only seek our own sense of worth in how we are doing in changing the world, but that we also burden those we lead with the same expectation that worth comes only from visible results. We have worked with many ministry leaders who have embraced the pressure of performance, and it became their first love, their idol, their obsession. [/toggle]ピーターはこの罠(わな)に落ち込んでいた。最初、彼は誠意と善意をもって牧会を始めた。最初の赴任地はカンザス州の地方の教会だった。彼はコミュニケーション能力に優れていたため、教会は5年で2倍に成長した。だが、それでは物足りなく感じるようになった。彼の手腕に関するうわさは瞬(またた)く間に広がり、ピーターは彼の教派の「顔」となった。1年に25人も洗礼を授けたことがあったが、それも大したことではないように思えた。
[toggle]Peter had fallen into this trap. He had begun ministry with sincerity and good intentions. His first ministry was in a semi-rural church in Kansas. He was gifted as a communicator and soon “outgrew” this ministry even though the church had doubled in size in five years. Word began to spread throughout the denomination of his potential and leadership, and seizing the opportunity, the denomination molded him to be the next face of their movement. At first, it was exhilarating for Peter and his wife. Peter had once defined success as 25 baptisms in a year, but now that seemed like small thinking to him. [/toggle]私たちのもとに来た不倫経験のある牧師の多くは、牧会中、最も成功していた時期にそのような経験をしている。爆発的な教会の成長、執筆活動、拡大する影響力……。そして、やがて情事に手を出す。
[toggle]Many, but not all, of the pastors we have worked with who have had sexual affairs, were having the affair during a season of “high effectiveness” in their ministry. Explosive church growth, book writing, expanding influence … and they began an affair. [/toggle]カウンセリングに来る彼らが抱えている問いは、「なぜこんなことになったのか。自分はなぜこんなことをしたのか」である。ナウエンの『イエスの御名で』では、外的な成功について次のように述べている。「人は、私が申しぶんなくやっている、と言ってくれました。しかし、心の内の何かが、私の築いてきた成功は、自らの魂を危機に陥れている、とささやくのです。……ある日、目覚めたとき、自分が暗い闇の中に生きているのに気づかされました。そして、心理学用語で用いる『燃えつき』という言葉は、霊的な死を表わすのにぴったりであることに気づきました」(21頁)
[toggle]The question they bring to counseling is “How did this happen? Why did I do this?” Returning again to Nouwen and In the Name of Jesus, he reflects on a time of outward success: “Everyone was saying that I was doing really well, but something inside was telling me that my success was putting my own soul in danger.… I woke up one day with the realization that I was living in a very dark place and that the term ‘ burnout’ was a convenient psychological translation for a spiritual death.” [/toggle]「成功しなければ」というプレッシャーからの逃げ道として情事に走るのだが、真の問題は、成功した牧師は霊の食物に飢え、魂が栄養不良に陥っているということだ。情事を代用品にしても、さらなる空しさを生むばかりでなく、それまで懸命に築き上げてきたものも破壊してしまう。(次ページに続く)
[toggle]While the pressure of keeping up with continuing the success played into the attractive escape of an affair, the underlying issue is that often the successful pastors are themselves eating empty spiritual calories and their soul is malnourished and the affair offers a substitute source of affirmation which in the end not only is another source of emptiness but destroys all they have worked so hard to build. [/toggle]