[toggle]When the Emmy Awards honored Fred Rogers with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997, he did something that took everyone in the room off guard. The beloved public television star (and ordained Presbyterian minister) refused to make the moment about himself. [/toggle]「今夜に至るまでたいへん多くの人が私を助けてくださいました。ここにも出席していらっしゃいますし、遠くにいる人もいます。また、ある人々は天の国にいます。私たちには皆、私たちを愛してくれる特別な誰かがいます。私と一緒に、10秒間、あなたが今のあなたになるよう助けてくれた人々を思い起こしてみましょう。彼らはあなたのことを気にかけ、あなたの人生にとっていちばん大切なことを求めてくれた人々です。10秒間だけお静かに。私は時計を見ています」
[toggle] “So many people have helped me to come to this night,” Rogers told the audience of celebrities. “Some of you are here; some are far away; some are even in heaven. All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are? Those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life. Ten seconds of silence. I’ll watch the time.” [/toggle]聴衆の中には、その短い招きに最初は笑っていた者もいたが、10秒後には多くの聴衆が涙を拭っていた。
[toggle]Those in the audience began their brief invitation for reflection with laughter. But by the time their 10 seconds were up, many were wiping their eyes. [/toggle]「皆さんが思い起こした人々は皆、あなたの変化を知るとき、どんなに喜ぶことでしょう」
[toggle] “Whomever you’ve been thinking about, how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they’ve made,” Rogers said. [/toggle]フレッド・ロジャースはつまり、現代における「自分の力だけで成功する」という神話を否定したのだ。10秒の沈黙の後、私たちは直感的に気づかせられた。私たちが今いる場所に到達できたのは、神が定め、神が私たちに呼びかけた関係性において明らかとなった神のみわざのためなのだ。
[toggle]In a culture that lauds self-made success, a lasting gift of Fred Rogers’s work is his subtle denial of the myth of self-sufficiency. He reminds us of what we all intuitively know after 10 seconds of silence: We arrive where we are because of God’s work in our lives, manifest in the relationships in which God places and calls us. [/toggle]共に生きる人生
[toggle] Lives Lived Together[/toggle]この数年間、私はカリフォルニア大学バークレー校で学生たちと共に、天職を探すための活動してきた。それは、キャンパス内の勉強や人間関係などを含む大学生活だけでなく、将来行き着くだろうどこにあっても、神からの召命を切り離さないということだ。
[toggle]For the past few years, I’ve been working with university students at UC Berkeley to develop an integrated vision of vocation, one that refuses to bifurcate God’s call on their lives from their work and relationships on a college campus or wherever their future leads. One unique aspect of our theological exploration of vocation is the insistence that calling and vocation are best understood within a residential Christian community. Living together presents its challenges, but several years in, I am now more confident that vocation is best explored in lives lived together. [/toggle]
[toggle]Scripture and history both offer examples of God’s call revealed to individuals directly, of course. At times, God’s call on an individual’s life challenges their community (the prophets, for example). However, discerning and living into God’s call is, by and large, communal work. One reason we need Christian community to discern God’s call on and for our lives is that we are mysteries to ourselves. Seeing ourselves rightly happens in community. [/toggle]神学者のスタンリー・ハワーワス(デューク大学名誉教授)はこう書いている。「他者との関わりにおいてのみ、自分が誰なのかを知る。そして、私が誰であるかは、つまり他者との関わりなのだ」
[toggle] “I know who I am only in relation to others,” theologian Stanley Hauerwas writes. “And, indeed, who I am is a relation with others.” [/toggle]クエーカーの著者パーカー・パルマーは『あなたの人生について話をしよう』(邦訳なし)の中で次のように書いている。「私たちの最も強力な賜物は、持っていることもほとんど意識されないものだ」と。私たちの最大の強みのサインは、これらの賜物を当然のことと思い込むことなのだ。聞くこと、書くこと、パターンを見いだすことなど、他の人々も自然と行っている。他者との関わりにおいてのみ、神からの賜物の輪郭が明らかとなるのだ。
[toggle]The Quaker writer Parker Palmer builds on this idea of the relational self by emphasizing our blind spots when it comes to personal giftings. “Our strongest gifts are usually those we are barely aware of possessing,” he writes in Let Your Life Speak. A sign of our greatest strengths is that we assume these gifts—be they listening, writing, or seeing patterns—come just as naturally to everyone else. It’s only in relation with others that the unique contours of God’s giftings in my life are revealed. [/toggle]あなたに自然と起こることで、少し考えてみれば、他の人に起こらないものは何か。同様に、他の人に自然に起こることに注意を払い、彼らに内省を促すにはどうしたらいいだろうか。
[toggle]What are some of those things that come naturally to you that, with a little reflection, don’t come naturally for others? I encourage students to consider. Likewise, how can we pay attention to what comes naturally to others and reflect that back to them? [/toggle]ジェシカというUCバークレーの学生がこのように話してくれた。「今年、私は人間関係で最も重要なことを確信しました。思春期の頃、私は自力主義の神話にたいへん魅了されていました。しかし、これらの関係性によって私は、神が喜びと癒やし、豊かさと深みを人生にもたらしてくれる新しい道を見たのです」
[toggle] “This year has convinced me of the paramount importance of human relationships,” Jessica, a UC Berkeley student, shared after her first year in our residential vocation exploration. “Throughout my adolescence, I became pretty enamored by the myth of self-sufficiency. As scary as it has been at times to choose relationships this year, I’ve seen the ways God has brought joy and healing and richness and depth to my life in new ways through those relationships.” [/toggle]UCバークレーは学問的に非常に競争が激しく、優秀な学生たちは狡猾(こうかつ)かつ険悪で、希少性と個人主義の物語によって性格づけられる人もいるが、ジェシカの内省は、そうした文化と対抗し、そしてキリスト教的にも正しいと言えるだろう。
[toggle]In UC Berkeley’s hyper-competitive academic context, an environment where some of our country’s brightest students are molded by subtle, insidious narratives of scarcity and individualism (there’s not enough to go around; we all earn it here), Jessica’s reflection is equal parts counter-cultural and correctively Christian. [/toggle]
[toggle]Created in God’s relational image, it follows that our understanding of God’s call will be revealed in relationships with others. In 1 Samuel 3, the young Samuel is only able to discern God’s call in the temple rightly with the elder Eli’s help. Likewise, and in a helpful move away from only understanding God’s call in terms of our strengths, Moses hears God’s call rightly only after naming his insecurities in communication and his brother Aaron’s giftings in the same area (Ex. 6:30–7:7). Here and elsewhere, God’s call manifests in and through community. [/toggle]「私たちは関係性抜きにして天職に取り組むことはできません」とジェシカは言う。
[toggle] “We can’t address vocation without addressing our relational nature,” Jessica concluded after a year of studying and discussing vocation. [/toggle]私自身、執筆が天職だと今は考えているが、10年前は、友人たちにさえ、その願いを共有しようとは思わなかった。私の文章を妻が他人に見せるまで、そして彼らから「もっと真剣に取り組むように」と励まされるまでは。それは、私が追求すべき召されている道だと考え始めるきっかけとはなったが、私はなお不安だった。
[toggle]For my own part, writing is something I now consider central to my vocation, though 10 years ago I was too timid to share my writing aspirations even with friends. It wasn’t until my wife shared my writing with others, and I heard their encouragement to take this work more seriously, that I began to think this could be a path I was being called to pursue. But I was still afraid. [/toggle]「君はライターだよ」と、友人でアーティストのデイビットはある夏、私に確信させてくれた。「本を出版するまで、自分をライターと呼ぶ権利はないように感じている」と私が告白した時のことだ。その会話の中で、私の天職がライターであることをはっきりと自覚したのだ。それが達成できたか否かにかかわらず、私がどのように世界と関わっているかを自覚したのである。
[toggle] “You are a writer,” Debbie, an artist friend, assured me one summer, after confessing that I didn’t feel I had the right to call myself a writer until I was published. In that conversation, I realized writing was somehow reflective of who God had created me to be, of how I interacted with the world, regardless of the achievements I had or hadn’t accomplished. [/toggle]自信を失って孤立している時、神が与えた賜物に勇敢に仕えるよう促してくれる共同体が不可欠だ。このように最初にそれを肯定して勇気づけるられると、続く他の激励にも助けられ、多くの閉じられたドアのただ中で、それをやり続けることができるのだ。
[toggle]Where self-doubt cripples and isolates, a community that encourages us to courageously steward our God-given gifts becomes essential. If these initial affirmations encouraged me to get going, others’ continued encouragement helped me persist amidst so many closed doors. [/toggle]「立ち止まらないで」と、曾祖母が臨終の際に私に語った言葉を忘れることができない。「あなたが差し出すすべてのことが必要なのよ」。次の給料がどこから支払われるか分からない時や、自分の道を見失った時、この曾祖母の言葉を思い出していた。
[toggle] “Keep going,” my great-grandma May told me at the end of her life, with directness I will never forget. “We need all you can put out.” Her words came during a time when I wasn’t sure where my next paycheck was coming from and I was once again doubting the path I was on. In those trying seasons of uncertainty and closed doors, when the temptation to bury my God-given treasure in fear was crippling (cf. Matt. 25:14–30), it was overcome only because of God’s call to persist, heard through Christian community. [/toggle]