[toggle]We have come a long way since Descartes claimed that animals are mere automatons without the capacity for pleasure or pain. We now know the contrary is true: They experience. They suffer. They grieve. They love. When it comes to our relationships with pets, we not only take them into our homes: We welcome them deep within our hearts. In fact, some become so attached that they yearn to be with their pets throughout eternity. C. S. Lewis speculated on the eternal fate of animals in The Problem of Pain, suggesting that at least tame animals might enter heaven through their relationship with humans, in the same way that humans do through their relationship with Christ. [/toggle]
[toggle]But I worry that the question of pets in heaven could distort our understanding of eternal life as described in Scripture and Christian tradition. If we are not careful, we could cross the line into a sentimentality that shrinks our eschatological expectation. Our human idea of heaven might be walking an adored dog in the forest, but there is no indication that is anything like God’s plan. The question of whether our pets go to heaven requires an examination of the natures of animals, of humans, and of God. Animals have their lives in God. In Psalm 104 we read that animals look to God for their food and that when he withdraws his spirit, they return to the dust. God marks the dropping of every sparrow. [/toggle]しかし、(永遠の命について語られている有名な)ヨハネ3章16節(「神は、その独り子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。御子を信じる者が一人も滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである」)の中には、動物はいっさい出てこない。人間だけが神に似せて創造された。動物と違って、人間は道徳を行使する者でありながら、作為と不作為の罪を犯す可能性がある。それによって人間と動物はまったく別な存在となる。
[toggle]But John 3:16 makes no mention of animals. Only humans are made in the divine likeness. Unlike animals, we are moral agents capable of sinning by commission and omission. That makes ours a completely different nature of being. Here’s an illustration: My late cat once raided a nest and I found her happily batting a helpless, now dying chick around the backyard. She was just being a cat. Had I done that, I would be rightly branded a monster. I also knew my human duty. I put the poor chick out of its misery with a heavy work boot and removed the carcass. Doing the right thing came at a cost: Chloe was so angry I spoiled her fun that she refused to look at me for the rest of the day. [/toggle]神の愛は無制限で無条件で永遠だ。私たちが直接、天の御国で御顔を仰ぎ見て、神を絶え間なく礼拝するとき、「ペットと永遠に一緒にいたい」という願いは、すべての希望のうちで、ほんのささいな望みにすぎない。
[toggle]God’s love is unlimited, unconditional, and eternal. When we witness the very face of God and participate through constant worship in his ineffable essence̶which we are told is the neverending activity of heaven̶ it will at the very least include all we yearn for when desiring to be with our pets forever. [/toggle]では、ペットに魂はあるのか。それは神のみぞ知る。今の私たちは、「鏡におぼろに映ったものを見ている」だけなのだ(1コリント13:12)。
[toggle]So do pets have souls? Do they go to heaven? God knows. For now, “we see through a glass darkly.” Instead of speculating or making strained proof-texts, let us instead give thanks to God for the great gift of joy he has given us in our pets. Let us be confident in the knowledge that whatever his plans for our animal friends, all will be perfection and light. [/toggle]執筆者のウェスリー・スミスは、ディスカバリー社のヒューマン・エクセプショナリズム・センター研究員で、『ネズミは豚で犬で少年──動物の権利運動にかかる人件費』の著者。
[toggle]When I was young and gnostic, I was certain that pets do not go to heaven. I didn’t know I was gnostic, of course. I simply thought that life on earth was about bicycles and ice cream and books and not saying certain words or smoking behind the barn with my cousins. Heaven was about being with God and angels singing and seeing great-grandma again and not being in hell. [/toggle]救われなければ天国に行けないのに、教会に行くような動物も、「救われたい人は前に出てください」という礼拝中の招きに応えるような動物も私は見たことがない。ただ、近所の農家の人が教会に馬で来ていたという話は聞いたことがある。うちの家族が礼拝に通っていた、メイン州の田舎にある、部屋が一つしかない教会には、外に鉄の柵があって、そこに馬をつないでいたのだ。その馬が会堂に入ってきて救われるなんて、一度も考えたことがなかった。
[toggle]You only got to heaven if you were saved, and I hadn’t seen any animals go to church, let alone go forward during an altar call. In the old days, I was told, a nearby farmer used to ride his horse to church, where he’d hitch her up to the iron rail that still stood outside the one-room country church in Maine where my family worshiped. I never imagined a horse coming inside to get saved. [/toggle]しかし聖書には、「神が動物を救う」と書いている。たとえば、神は洪水から救うため、すべての生き物を2匹ずつ箱舟に入れるようにノアに命じた(創世記6:19)。神が怠惰なヨナを非難したのは、ニネベの住民である人間だけでなく、そこに暮らす多くの動物も救うためだった(ヨナ4:11)。そのような救いはもちろん、教会の説教壇からの招きに応じることとはまったく違うことだ。それでも、この事実は見逃してはならない。
[toggle]Yet the Bible teaches that God does save animals. For example, God brought Noah two of each kind of living creature in order to save them from the Flood. God chastised reluctant Jonah about the need to save not only the human inhabitants of Nineveh, but also its many animals. Such salvation is not, of course, quite the kind invited by the altar call. Even so, it should not be overlooked. [/toggle]神は動物を救うだけではない。神の契約には動物が含まれている。神がノアと結んだ契約には、「あらゆる生き物、すべての肉なるもの」(創世記6:19)が含まれていた。また、神は「野の獣、空の鳥、地を這うものと契約を結ぶ」とある(ホセア2:20)。
[toggle]God not only saves animals. At times, his covenants include them. God’s covenant with Noah included “every living thing of all flesh” (Gen. 6:18-19, KJV). In Hosea, God proclaimed a covenant “with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground” (2:18, niv). [/toggle]神が選んだ者と契約を結ぶとき、新しい名前を与えることがよくある。たとえば、アブラハム(アブラム)、サラ(サライ)、イスラエル(ヤコブ)、イエス(インマヌエル)、パウロ(サウロ)。神はアダムに対して、動物に名前をつけるよう命じ、そうすることによってアダムは、神が名を与える行為を模倣したといえる。
[toggle]When God made a covenant with one of his chosen ones, he often marked it by assigning them a particular name: Abraham, Sarah, Israel, Jesus, Paul. God told Adam to name the animals and, in so doing, Adam reflected God’s acts of naming. When we choose to take into our household creatures that share with us the breath of life and bestow them with names, perhaps we enter into a kind of covenantal relationship with them too. To echo C. S. Lewis in The Great Divorce, perhaps when we name animals, they “become themselves” and our salvation “flows over into them.” [/toggle]
(写真:Nancy Wong)
[toggle]I have put away my childish thinking about heaven. Scripture describes eternity not as an ethereal cloud-top existence, but as both spiritual and material, just as our life is now. It is a new heaven and a new earth (2 Pet. 3:13) where “creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21). As foretold in Isaiah, animals will be there. “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat … and a little child will lead them” (11:6). Perhaps God will honor my acts of naming the animals by bringing Gracie, Kasey, Myrtle, Peter, Oscar, and so many more there, too. [/toggle]執筆者のカレン・スワロー・プリオールはリバティー大学教授で、「クリスチャニティ-・トゥデイ」のブログや他の出版物で動物福祉について書いている。
[toggle]Oddly enough, I was part of the animal advocacy community for several months before I took the question of whether animals have souls seriously. I had even written my seminary capstone paper on a biblical-theological foundation for animal welfare, and didn’t feel compelled to address the subject directly. [/toggle]「虹の橋の上で」自分のペットと再会すると人が自信をもって話しているのを聞くと、その人がペットを失ったことと、その悲しみから生じた自然な望みについて私も共感する。しかし、ペットとの再会を望むことは、聖書解釈に基づいているというより、ただの希望的な考えや思いつきのようだ。そして、神の被造物に対する思いという、本当にある聖書の明らかな呼びかけを結果として損なっているように思えるのだ。
[toggle]When I heard others speak confidently of seeing their animal companions again, often “just over the rainbow bridge,” I sympathized with their loss and the natural desire that arose out of it. But the hope of reuniting with our pets seemed more based in wishful thinking and eclectic spirituality than in a confessional hermeneutic. As a result, it seemed to compromise the clear scriptural calling, which does exist, to care for God’s creatures. [/toggle]
(写真:Ondřej Žváček)
[toggle] Just over two years ago, when one of our own cats died suddenly from an unexpected complication after an otherwise successful surgery, I found myself looking at the question of animal souls in a much more personal light. Bubba had been a constant and beloved companion since we brought him home from an adoption center four years earlier. He was wonderfully affable, as his name suggests, and the perfect pet for our newborn son to grow up with. I took his loss hard, heartbroken as my wife and I said goodbye at the vet’s office, and still sobbing as I buried him in pouring rain later that night. I wrote in my journal: “It’s been a gut-wrenching couple of days …. I miss him everywhere I look in the house …. And I feel such a hole, especially not knowing if God has taken him back to himself for us to meet again or not. I so badly want to know if I’ll see him again.” [/toggle]悲しみの中で私は何度も思った。「神がバッバを創造したのなら、神はバッバを知っており、私たち家族以上に神がバッバを愛していたのなら、神はきっと自分の創造物をいつか復活させたいと願うのではないか」と。
[toggle]It occurred to me from time to time in my grief that if God had made Bubba, and knew and loved him even more than my family did, he could very well have some desire to bring his own treasured creation back to life someday. [/toggle]神が「創造主と被造物」という関係を持たれているその他多くの動物についても同じことが言えるだろう。たとえ人間がその動物と関係を持っていなくても。結局、私たちの救い主は、「(雀の)一羽さえ、神の前で忘れられてはいない」と言われたのだから(ルカ12:6)。
[toggle]The same might go for many other creatures with which God has a relationship as their Creator and Sustainer, whether we humans happened to share in that relationship or not. After all, our Savior said that not even one sparrow is ever forgotten by him. [/toggle]しかし、たとえそれが合理的な推測であったにしても、私は聖書に書かれたことに立ち返り、可能性で話をすることはやめておこう。どんな種類の死であっても、それが神の最初の計画にはなかったことを私たちは知っている。
[toggle]But even if this is a reasonable conjecture, I have to come back to what the Bible does and does not say on the possibility. We know that death of any kind was never part of God’s original plan, and that animals will certainly be part of the new heaven and earth, where death and tears will be no more. What we don’t know is whether these will be specific animals from the old creation, including those we’ve known and loved. I wish we knew. In the meantime, it seems okay to ask God if his grace might extend that far, while doing my best to trust that heaven won’t seem anything but complete regardless. [/toggle]執筆者のベン・デブリーズは、動物に対するクリスチャンの声を上げる団体「ノット・ワン・スパロー」の創立者で管理者