[toggle]Humble Beginnings … and Endings [/toggle]「ヨセフもダビデの家に属し、その血筋であったので、ガリラヤの町ナザレから、ユダヤのベツレヘムというダビデの町へ上って行った」(ルカ2:4)。イエスは、貧しく名もない田舎町の出身だった。王の系譜であるにもかかわらず、イエスの父は肉体労働者で、おそらく洗練されていない人物だった。
[toggle] “So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David” (Luke 2:4). Jesus is from an impoverished, forgotten, country town. Despite the royal family history, his father is a blue-collar man, probably more than a little rough around the edges. “[Joseph] went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child” (v. 5). His mother was an unmarried pregnant teenager. “While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them” (v. 6–7). He was literally born in a barn. His first cries mixed with the mewling of animals. Poor and pushed to the margins, he entered the world. [/toggle]良いものはここからは得られない。苦悩は至るところにある。
[toggle]It doesn’t get better from there—the grit is everywhere. [/toggle]虐殺から逃れるために故国を離れた時、イエスはほんの幼子だった(マタイ2:13~18)。やがて帰国するが、苦難は終わらない。12歳の時、息子がいないことに両親が気づかなかったため、イエスは家から遠く離れた神殿に取り残された(ルカ2:41~52)。その後、公的生活に入った時、出自を重んじるユダヤ文化はイエスを拒絶した(ヨハネ6:41~42)。宣教活動は数年の間はうまくいったが、イエスのもとに集まった民衆は次第に離れていき、イエスの死を求めるようになった。さらに、イエスに最も近い弟子たちでさえ、とうとうイエスを理解できなかった。
[toggle]He’s still a toddler when he and his parents are forced to flee their homeland, running from murderers and assassins (Matt. 2:13–18). Eventually, they return, but the trauma isn’t over. Accidentally forgotten by his parents at the tender age of 12, he is left alone at a temple in a city far from home (Luke 2:41–52). Do you remember what it was like to be 12? No matter how well you handle it, that pain gets in. Decades later, he emerges into public life and is soundly rebuked and rejected by the Who’s Who of his culture (John 6:41–42). He has a nice run during several years of public ministry, but the crowds that once flocked to him eventually abandon him and call for his death. Moreover, his best friends—his disciples—seem to never really understand him. [/toggle]彼らは、苦難を避けて、恵みを得ることだけを望み続けた。
[toggle]They keep wanting to skip the grit to get to the gift. [/toggle]また、イエスは彼らに歩調を合わせてずっと語っている。たとえば二人の弟子の母親が、「王座にお着きになるとき、二人の息子が、一人はあなたの右に、もう一人は左に座れるとおっしゃってください」と頼んだ時、イエスはそれには答えず、受難と死をほのめかして尋ねた。「このわたしが飲もうとしている杯を飲むことができるか」(マタイ20:20~22)
[toggle]Meanwhile, he keeps telling them to slow down. For instance, when the mother of two disciples asks him if one of her sons can sit at his right hand in heaven, instead of answering her, he asks her a question, referring to the torture and death that await him: “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” (Matt. 20:22). Around the same time, Peter angrily objects, saying this kind of suffering should never happen to Jesus. In exasperation, Jesus finally loses his cool with all the grit-skipping and replies, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me: you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns” (Matt. 16:23). Human beings are obsessed with skipping the grit to get to the gift. [/toggle]神はこの二つを分けてはおられない。
[toggle]God, apparently, does not separate the two. [/toggle]やがてイエスは捕らえられた。牢に入れられ、殴られ、責め苦を受け、唾(つば)を吐きかけられ、笑いものにされ、辱めを受けた。そして死の直前、イエスは完全に孤独となった。すなわち、いつも共にあった天の父に見捨てられたのだ。
[toggle]Soon after, Jesus is arrested. He is imprisoned and beaten, tortured, spit upon, mocked, and shamed. Then, finally, on the doorstep of death, his loneliness becomes complete, as he experiences the abandonment of his most faithful companion, his Father in heaven. Jesus’ life, from the manger to the Cross, is a story of pain and suffering. He is a perfect human being, but his experience of humanity is anything but perfect. And over and over again, his message for us is this: Don’t skip the grit of being alive to get to the gift of a resurrected life. [/toggle]丘の上でイエスが人々に説く声が聞こえないだろうか。「生きる上で出会う苦難は、自分を見つけるための恵みの一部なのだ」と。(次ページに続く)
[toggle]You can almost hear him on a hillside somewhere, trying to convince the crowd: The grit along the way is part of the gift of finding your way. [/toggle]