[toggle]5) Beka weight from the Temple Mount[/toggle]
[toggle]An extra-careful processing of archaeologically recovered dirt called the wet sifting process has resulted in many more tiny but significant discoveries in recent years, such as the beka weight announced recently. As explained in Exodus 38:26, the beka was used to measure the half shekel temple tax due from each member of the community. [/toggle]この小さな錘(5・5グラム、0・2オンス)にはヘブライ語で「ベカ」と刻まれており、神殿の丘の南西端にあるロビンソンアーチ付近における調査で発掘された。第一神殿時代、神殿税の計算のために用いられたと考えられている。
[toggle]This tiny weight (5.5 grams or 0.2 ounces) was inscribed with the Hebrew letters spelling beka and was discovered in excavations near Robinson’s arch, at the southwestern corner of the Temple Mount. It is believed to have been used to weigh the temple tax during the First Temple period. [/toggle]
エルサレムのモデル(写真: Berthold Werner)
[toggle]In 2017, while cleaning out dust between stones in an ancient Jerusalem wall, archaeologists discovered a biblical title heretofore unattested by archaeology, “governor of the city.” As the dust was carefully sifted, a clay seal impression was recovered. The image on the clay depicted two figures facing each other and the inscription. [/toggle]「町の長」は、現代でいう市長のようなものだ。列王記下23章8節では、ヒゼキヤ王時代における町の長として「ヨシュア」の名がある。また歴代史下18章25節では、ヨシャファト王時代における町の長「アモン」の名が記されている。
[toggle]The governor of the city, much like a modern mayor, is mentioned in 2 Kings 23:8, where the author lists a man named Joshua as the governor of the city in the days of Hezekiah, and in 2 Chronicles 18:25, where the author notes Amon as governor of the city in the days of Jehoshaphat (NASB). [/toggle]3位 預言者イザヤの署名のある印影?
[toggle]3) Signature of Isaiah the prophet in seal impression? [/toggle]2018年に話題となった別の印影は、旧約聖書で最も重要な預言者の一人、イザヤの名を刻んだものだ。かろうじて「預言者イザヤ」と読めるが、終端が欠けているため、具体的な個人名なのかははっきりしない。
[toggle]Another seal impression surfaced in 2018, this one with the actual name of one of the most important Old Testament prophets, Isaiah. It nearly says “Isaiah the prophet,” but because there’s a letter missing at the end, it’s unclear if it actually refers to a personal name. [/toggle]この印影が聖書の預言者を示している証拠の一つが、エルサレムの神殿の丘付近で発見された一つの小さな土器片だ。この同様の印影は2015年に発見され、「ユダの王ヒゼキヤ」と記されていた。聖書では、預言者イザヤとヒゼキヤは同じ節で17回言及されている。
[toggle]One piece of evidence that suggests that the seal impression refers to the biblical prophet is a small piece of clay that archeologists recovered in an area near Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. This similar seal impression, which was first found in 2015, says “of King Hezekiah of Judah.” King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah are mentioned in the same verse 17 times in the Bible. [/toggle] [toggle]2) The statue head of a biblical king from Abel Beth Maacah[/toggle]この彫像の頭部が誰であるか、何らかの方法で特定できれば、このランキングのトップの座に輝いただろう。しかし、名前も文字も刻まれていない。王冠を表すヘッドバンドだけが唯一の手がかりだ。
[toggle]This discovery might have shot to the top of the list if there was some way of identifying who this statue head depicts. But there’s no name or inscription. The best clue to his identity is the band around his head, suggesting a crown. [/toggle]5センチたらずの小さな彫刻は2017年、イスラエルとレバノンの国境付近アベル・ベス・マッカで発見された。世間の注目を集めたのは、一昨年夏にイスラエル博物館に展示された時だ。紀元前9世紀のものなので、アハブやイエフのような北イスラエル王国の王かもしれないが、ダマスコの王ハザエルか、イゼベルの父であるティルスの王エトバアル(列王上16:31)かもしれない。
[toggle]This tiny two-inch sculpture was found in 2017 at Abel Beth-Maacah, a site near the border between Israel and Lebanon, but caught the public’s attention when it was placed on display at the Israel Museum last summer. It dates to the 9th century B.C., so it could depict a king of the northern kingdom Israel, such as Ahab or Jehu. But just as easily it could be King Hazael of Damascus or King Ithobaal of Tyre, the father of Jezebel. [/toggle] [toggle]1) Pontius Pilate Seal Ring[/toggle]イエスを尋問し、十字架刑を言い渡したローマ総督ポンティオ・ピラトの名は、考古学の記録に2回現れている。まず、カイサリア・マリティマで、ピラトの名と尊称が刻まれた石が1961年に発見された。そして、ベツレヘムにほど近い砂漠の要塞ヘロディウムで60年代後半に発見された印章付き指輪に「ピラトの」と刻まれていたことが昨年11月末、発表されたのだ。
[toggle]The name of Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator who interrogated Jesus and then ordered him crucified, has turned up for the second time in the archaeological record. The first time his name and title were found engraved in a stone discovered in 1961 in secondary use at Caesarea Maritima. Just a few weeks ago, scientists announced that a seal ring excavated in the late 1960s at Herodium, a desert palace just outside of Bethlehem, also carried the inscription “of Pilates.” [/toggle]ひどく腐食した指輪の文字は、最新の画像技術によって解読された。銅合金製の指輪は、おそらくピラトが実際にはめていたものではなく、ピラトの権威に基づいて行動する権能を与えられた人物がつけ、公的文書を発行するのに用いられていたのだろう。
[toggle]The inscription on the badly corroded ring was finally read using advanced photographic techniques. The copper alloy ring was probably not fancy enough to have actually been worn by Pilate. It was more likely worn by someone who was authorized to act on Pilate’s authority and who would use the seal to create official communications. [/toggle]これらの発見は個々には重要ではないかもしれないが、過去数十年に及ぶ他の発見と結びついて、聖書の歴史的な細部について大きな信頼を私たちに与えてくれる。(前編に戻る)
[toggle]These discoveries, relatively insignificant individually, join with many other discoveries over the decades to give us a great deal of confidence in the historical details contained in the Bible. [/toggle]執筆:ゴードン・ゴヴィエ