[toggle]Missions / Global Church[/toggle]
[toggle]Women in God’s Mission: Accepting the Invitation to Serve and Lead[/toggle]
[toggle]Mary Lederleitner (InterVarsity Press) [/toggle]
[toggle] “Equal parts prophetic and pastoral, this book puts Lederleitner’s heart as a scholar-practitioner on brilliant display, showcasing her unique blend of gifts in research, missions practice, and engagement across theological traditions. Women should read it to be reminded of their non-negotiable role in Great Commission fulfillment. Men should read it to gain a better understanding of their responsibility to help remove obstructions that many women face in missions organizations. Ultimately, the stories and research presented here remind us that God’s mission in the world depends on both men and women responding to the church’s missionary mandate. Neither should ever feel sidelined.” —Daniel Yang, director of the Send Institute at Wheaton College’s Billy Graham Center[/toggle](著者へのインタビューはこちら)
[toggle] (Read CT’s interview with Mary Lederleitner.) [/toggle]優秀賞
[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]
[toggle]Christian Mission: A Concise Global History[/toggle]
[toggle]Edward Smither (Lexham Press) [/toggle]
[toggle] “Christian Missions: A Concise Global History is just that—compact but complete. In just 200 pages, Smither covers mission history from the inception of Christianity to the present day. For each age of church history, he explains how and by whom mission work spread in each and every part of the world. The strength of this book is its global focus. In the last chapter, Smither notes that the majority of mission work in the 21st century is carried out by majority-world missionaries and lay believers, just as it was during the early-church era.” —Robin Hadaway, professor of missions, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary[/toggle]政治と公生涯
[toggle]Politics and Public Life[/toggle]
[toggle] In Search of the Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World[/toggle]
[toggle]Jake Meador (InterVarsity Press) [/toggle]
[toggle] “In Search of the Common Good is timely not only in its theology and praxis but in its faithful capture of our era’s sense of disintegration, isolation, and uncertainty. Yet Meador does not follow other critics of the loneliness of the liberal order into a call for a new culture war offensive to compel external Christian virtue via the power of the state. Rather, he invites readers to push deeper into robust community, to cling to hope and work together to incarnate it in every sphere of our lives.” —Bonnie Kristian, contributing editor, The Week[/toggle]優秀賞
[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]
[toggle]Religious Freedom in Islam: The Fate of a Universal Human Right in the Muslim World Today[/toggle]
[toggle]Daniel Philpott (Oxford University Press) [/toggle]
[toggle] “Few controversies desperately need to see the light of day as much as religious freedom. Outside of Communist regimes, in no wider segment of the world’s population is religious freedom more absent than in Islamic nations; this is simply an incontrovertible fact. To Philpott’s credit, Religious Freedom in Islam is committed to ‘dignify both sides’ of a debate that features ‘Islamoskeptics’ and ‘Islamopluralists.’ Moreover, it does so by doing the hard work of statistical and cultural analysis, which is needed to inform such debates.” —J. Daryl Charles, Acton Institute affiliated scholar in theology and ethics[/toggle](レビューはこちら)
[toggle] (Read CT’s review of Religious Freedom in Islam.) [/toggle]霊的形成
[toggle]Spiritual Formation[/toggle]
[toggle]On the Road with Saint Augustine: A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts[/toggle]
[toggle]James K. A. Smith (Brazos) [/toggle]
[toggle] “Augustine towers over history. I knew this, but I’d forgotten how much he wrestled with the issues that keep me awake at night: ambition, sex, friendship, death, and more. He’s been where we are. On the Road with Saint Augustine is a rare book. It’s weighty, beautiful, and insightful. I opened this book expecting to learn from and about Augustine, but I didn’t expect that he would become my traveling companion. We have more in common with this ancient African monk than we realize.” —Darryl Dash, pastor and church planter, author of How to Grow[/toggle](レビューはこちら)
[toggle] (Read CT’s review of On the Road with Saint Augustine.) [/toggle]優秀賞
[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]
[toggle]As I Recall: Discovering the Place of Memories in Our Spiritual Life[/toggle]
[toggle]Casey Tygrett (InterVarsity Press) [/toggle]
[toggle] “While we might think our souls are formed through classic disciplines like prayer, meditation, or gratitude, Tygrett demonstrates that our journey toward wholeness will fall short without the practice of remembrance. With gentle encouragement and eloquent prose, he invites us on a pilgrimage into our past through practical exercises that help us see our memories for the redemptive treasures God intends them to be. Even painful memories, when brought into the presence of God, can come together to form a powerful story of identity, enabling us to live with uncertainty and flourish in resilience.” —Tricia McCary Rhodes, author of The Soul at Rest[/toggle]神学/倫理
[toggle]Theology / Ethics[/toggle]
[toggle]Justification (2 vols.) [/toggle]
[toggle]Michael Horton (Zondervan Academic) [/toggle]
[toggle] “Few works of theological scholarship deserve to be called ‘magisterial,’ but Justification is among them. Sober, generous, with but a few broadsides and almost always in good humor, Horton presents the Protestant case for justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Those already persuaded will take comfort and refuge in the logical, exegetical, historical, and theological arguments on display. Those who remain unconverted will now have a masterful summa of the doctrine in all its contours ready to hand. No consideration of the topic going forward will succeed if it ignores Horton’s work. It is a gift to theological scholarship and to the church.” —Brad East, assistant professor of theology, Abilene Christian University[/toggle]優秀賞
[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]
[toggle]For the Life of the World: Theology that Makes a Difference[/toggle]
[toggle]Miroslav Volf and Matthew Croasmun (Brazos) [/toggle]
[toggle] “Volf and Croasmun give a critique of theology as we know it today: its sequestration within the academy, its entanglement with a business model of seminary and university life, and its cooperation with some forms of postmodern deconstruction that leave some of life’s most vital questions unattended. But the authors also offer a positive vision for theology that serves the community of faith by articulating a model of human flourishing under God.” —Nicola Hoggard Creegan, theologian, project director for New Zealand Christians in Science[/toggle](レビューはこちら)
[toggle] (Read CT’s review of For the Life of the World.) [/toggle]美しく正統な本大賞
[toggle]The Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year[/toggle]
[toggle]Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion[/toggle]
[toggle]Rebecca McLaughlin (Crossway) [/toggle]
[toggle] “This could be the most significant apologetics book of this decade, effectively updating Tim Keller’s The Reason for God by taking into account the very different questions and objections we encounter today, especially around sexuality, gender, and slavery. McLaughlin writes with confidence but also with a winsome and sympathetic tone. Confronting Christianity offers an unusual combination: It is theologically robust yet very outsider-friendly. Some of the more conversational books out there can be quite light (and even simplistic) theologically, and some of the more solid books can be somewhat tone-deaf. McLaughlin (like Keller) really embodies truth and grace in how she writes.” —Sam Allberry, pastor and speaker, author of 7 Myths about Singleness[/toggle]キリスト教に対する最も一般的な批判に応えるキリスト教弁証学の本が、まだ私たちには必要だろうか。この件に関して言えば、大きな声で「そうだ」と言おう。著者のマクローリンは、キリスト教批判に対抗するため、健全な議論と証拠を用いるだけでなく、そこに説得力のある個人的な話も付け加えている。難しい疑問に明晰(めいせき)に答えているにもかかわらず、ドライな哲学的語り口にはなっていない。キリスト教の真理が最も激しい反対にさえ立ち向かっていることを、マクローリンは知性と恵みをもって示している。──メラニー・コグディル(「クリスチャン・リサーチ・ジャーナル」編集者)
[toggle] “Do we need yet another apologetics book addressing the most common indictments of Christianity? The answer in this case is a resounding yes. McLaughlin brings sound argumentation and evidence to counter Christianity’s critics, but she also offers compelling personal stories. This is not a dry philosophical tome, even though it astutely answers difficult questions. McLaughlin demonstrates with intellect and grace that Christianity’s truths hold up against even the fiercest opposition.” —Melanie Cogdill, managing editor, Christian Research Journal[/toggle]現代のキリスト教弁証学が、時にとても敵意のあるものになっていることがある。しばしばそれは、信仰について興味を持っているノンクリスチャンに向けてではなく、(対立教派の)「敵」が酷評されているのを見たいというクリスチャンの歓心を買うために書かれているのだ。しかし著者のマクローリンは、最善の感覚でキリスト教弁証学を提供している。決して生意気でも威圧的でもなく、意義を却下することなく、バランスが取れていて、共感的で、詰まるところ、キリスト教のメッセージの真実と継続的な力のために、とても確信を持って、希望に満ちた議論を展開しているのだ。彼女のとる立場の中には、議論の余地もあるかもしれない。しかし彼女は、エキセントリックでもセンセーショナルでもない。彼女が見るままに、キリスト教の教理と倫理の教えの深さが反映されているのだ。この本の語り口にはどこか、読者が疑問を持ったり、反対したり、反論したりする余地を与えているところがある。──ベン・マイヤーズ(オーストラリア、ブリスベンのクリスチャン・ヘリテージ大学、ミリス研究所所長)
[toggle] “I find modern apologetics quite rancorous at times: Too often, instead of writing for outsiders who are curious about the faith, we pander to insiders who want to see their ‘enemies’ get a good roasting. But McLaughlin offers apologetics in the best sense: never brash or overbearing, never dismissive of objections, balanced and sympathetic, and ultimately a very confident and hope-filled argument for the truth and continuing power of the Christian message. Some of her positions might be controversial. But she is never eccentric or sensationalistic. She reflects the depth of Christian doctrinal and moral teaching as she sees it, and there is something about the book’s tone that creates space for readers to question, disagree, or argue back.” —Ben Myers, director of the Millis Institute at Christian Heritage College in Brisbane, Australia[/toggle](この本の抜粋はこちら)
[toggle] (Read an excerpt from Confronting Christianity.) [/toggle]優秀賞
[toggle]Award of Merit[/toggle]
[toggle]Surprised by Paradox: The Promise of “And” in an Either-Or World[/toggle]
[toggle]Jen Pollock Michel (InterVarsity Press) [/toggle]
[toggle] “While the news cycle is telling us that Christianity must check this box or that, and swallow down whatever else comes with it, Surprised by Paradox suggests that the God who became flesh in Jesus Christ opens up an alternate way of living between and beyond the boxes. Many authors have attempted to redeem the paradox of the Christian story by telling their audience to be satisfied with tension. Michel peers into the space between either-or and discovers a feast of God’s goodness. Read this book as a devotional guide or in a study group. It will deepen and enrich your faith in the God who defies our categories.” —Shawna Songer Gaines, pastor, Trevecca Community Church in Nashville, Tennessee[/toggle]白黒の区別をつけるのを一度やめて、神秘の緊張感の中にとどまることを学ぶよう、著者のマイケルは読者に求める。受肉や恵み、悲しみ、神の国といった問題の核心にあるパラドックスを彼女が探った時に、一度は神秘をどう扱えばいいのか迷うが、やがてはその現実を歓迎できるように感じられてくる。美しく書かれた『驚きのパラドックス』は、個人的な経験、神学的省察、しっかりとした釈義が1冊の本の中に編み込まれ、私たちを慰め、励まし、戒める。彼女は弱さをさらけ出すことで読者をより近くに引き寄せ、説得力のある議論によって、キリスト教信仰の神秘を認めさせるだけでなく、その神秘を祝い、歓迎するようにと読者を招く。──ニカ・スポルディング(テキサス州ダラス聖ユダ・オーク・クリフ教会牧師)
[toggle] “Michel asks readers to suspend their need for black and white distinctions, learning instead to sit in the tension of mystery. As she traces the paradoxes at the heart of ideas like Incarnation, grace, lament, and the kingdom of God, once-unnerving mysteries start to feel like welcome realities. Beautifully written, Surprised by Paradox weaves personal experience, theological reflection, and solid exegesis into a book that will comfort, encourage, and rebuke. Her vulnerability will pull readers in to take a closer look, and her cogent arguments will beckon them not only to acknowledge the mystery of the Christian faith, but also to celebrate and herald it.” —Nika Spaulding, resident theologian, St. Jude Oak Cliff church in Dallas, Texas[/toggle]本書はいろいろと考えさせられ、また心を熱くさせるため、読み始めたら途中でやめられない。それぞれの章の深さと美しさには絶えず驚かされ続けた。本書は、一般文化によって貼られた二者択一のレッテルやカテゴリーに従うことへのプレッシャーから私たちを自由にし、私たちの人生の中で神が召してくださったすべてのことを受け入れられるようにしてくれる。──フェミ・アデレイ(アフリカキリスト教影響研究所所長)
[toggle] “Surprised by Paradox is so thought-provoking and heart-warming that I could hardly put it down. I was continually surprised by the depth and beauty of each chapter. The book liberates us from the pressure of conforming to the categories and either-or labels imposed by popular culture, enabling us to embrace all that God has called us to be in all of life.” —Femi Adelaye, executive director, Institute for Christian Impact in Africa[/toggle](レビューはこちら)
[toggle] (Read CT’s review of Surprised by Paradox.) [/toggle]本記事は「クリスチャニティー・トゥデイ」(米国)より翻訳、転載しました。翻訳にあたって、多少の省略をしています。