【米クリスチャニティ・トゥデイ】今回の大統領選における福音派のトランプ支持は前回よりも厚い ―― 「祈り・賛美・愛国心」を掲げた集会で見えてきたもう一つの注目点 (2)


この流れを率いているのは、独特な祈祷で有名なホワイト・ケイン師だ。トランプ大統領の牧師を20年来務めるホワイト・ケイン師は、2019年には正式にトランプ大統領チームの一員となった。ロックバンド「ジャーニー」のジョナサン・ケインを夫に持つことから、同バンドのヒット曲「Don’t Stop Believin ‘」や「Faithfully」が話の引き合いに出されることも多い。ジョナサン氏は(トランプ応援)イベントでも、自ら作曲した「フリーダム・イン・ユア・グレース」を演奏している。

[toggle]Leading the charge is the president’s pastor and top prayer partner White-Cain, who recounts how she has served as a spiritual adviser for the businessman-turned-politician for nearly 20 years and took on an official White House role in 2019. She brings along husband Jonathan Cain from the band Journey, leading to requisite references to “Don’t Stop Believin’” and “Faithfully.” At the event, he performed to an audio track of a worship song he wrote called “Freedom in Your Grace.”
The campaign has also enlisted fellow evangelical advisers and pastors like Franklin, whose son now works for the campaign; National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference executive vice president Tony Suarez, who has joined four Evangelicals for Trump events so far this year;[/toggle]

「This is Amazing Grace」や「Way maker」などの曲を演奏したのはアレン牧師が牧会を行っている単立教会(礼拝出席4500人ほど)のバンドだ。互いに数メートルの距離を取って設置された椅子に座った出席者たちは、音に合わせて体を揺らしていた。

[toggle]and Allen, who was enlisted to join an upcoming event in Phoenix after helping with the one in his area. Evangelicals for Trump events are set up differently than the larger rallies for a broader Trump crowd, starting off with an invocation and familiar praise music. In a divisive and defensive election year, the gathering in Georgia this week, held outside a local barn event space, hummed with the calm relief of shared faith and shared politics. No rowdy factions. No snarky signs. No hollering or boos.
Attendees, seated in folding chairs spaced a couple feet apart, slowly swayed as they sang along to “This Is Amazing Grace” and “Way Maker,” performed by a stripped-down worship band from Allen’s church, a nearby nondenominational congregation with 4,500 attendees.[/toggle]

警察のことが話題に上ったことで、会衆からは4回のスタンディングオベーションが起こった。 最近の抗議活動のきっかけとなった(警察官による)黒人アメリカ人に対する暴力行為へ唯一言及したのはフランクリン師だ。フランクリン師は「私たちがトランプ大統領を応援しているからといって、黒人男性が路上で殴られ、窒息するまで首を絞められているのを平然と眺めるような人々だとは限らないではないか。私は正しさと公平さは両方とも大事だと信じている」と語り、(人々の間に)分断が起きているかのような取り扱いに対して不快感を露(あら)わにした。

[toggle]While the faith leaders focused mostly on the administration’s victories, Eric Trump criticized the “radical” protesters taking the streets in cities across the US and the decision for some states to allow businesses to reopen before churches.
There were four standing ovations for law enforcement, who were present at the event as security. The only reference to violence faced by black Americans—the inciting incidents leading to the recent protests—came from Franklin, who expressed frustration at false divisions: “It’s like if you’re for President Trump … that means you’re automatically not upset if you see a black man being beaten or choked to death in the streets. I stand for both. I stand for justice and righteousness.”
Perhaps the weather helped things feel particularly peaceful too. It was the coolest day all summer in the area—overcast, breezy, and 70 degrees. The invocation prayer referenced a “God-ordained” forecast.[/toggle]


[toggle]Even when it began to drizzle, attendees stayed seated, applauding and waving when they noticed Eric Trump sneak out the side of the barn to jet off to his next campaign appearance and mm-hmming in agreement during closing prayers for Americans to vote for “life, faith, and freedom.”
The Evangelicals for Trump events emphasize a softer side of the notoriously combative president, with stories about the president’s faith and family alongside lists of political wins. White-Cain said “it was his idea” to call for prayer against the “evil” of coronavirus. Eric admitted that the Trumps went into the 2016 campaign “not knowing a damn thing about politics,” but they worked together as a family and “God got us here.”[/toggle]

(多くの)シュガーヒル教会メンバーはトランプ政権下の経済的恩恵を受けており、ここ数ヶ月の困難な時期にあっても、多くの案件を引き受け、高い売上を誇っている、とアレン牧師は語る。 (同教会のあるジョージア州全体の失業率は5.6%まで低下しており、全国平均よりも低い。)その結果、教会はミニストリーを拡大させ、新たな礼拝所を立ち上げ、パンデミックに苦しむ人の家賃援助や食事の分配を通じて何百人もの人をサポートすることができた。

[toggle]Though he is a vocal Trump supporter, as a pastor, Allen recognizes the tension between the draw of the president’s conservative political priorities and the turnoff of his reputation as a bully.
“President Trump doesn’t make it easy for evangelicals,” said Allen, who built a rapport with Trump’s team during visits to the Mexican border two years ago and to the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian last summer. “I wish you could see a more compassionate Trump that I believe sincerely exists, but there’s just so much bluster around him.”
Allen estimates that his nondenominational, blue-collar congregation, Sugar Hill Church, is about “60 percent Trump and 40 percent anyone-but-Trump,” but the Trump faction has become more eager to take a stand.
Sugar Hill, he said, has benefited from a Trump economy, its members boasting more jobs and more sales, even in recent months. (The statewide unemployment rate has fallen back down to 5.6 percent, better than the national average.) As a result, the church has been able to expand its ministry reach, launching new worship sites and supporting hundreds of families with rent assistance and meal distribution during the pandemic.[/toggle]






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