[toggle]Two months of planning for our GC2 Summit on Facing Hard Truths & Challenges in Pastoral Ministry couldn’t have prepared us for what we saw God do this past Friday. Over 400 leaders joined us in person and nearly 80 livestreamed in from all over the world to hear pastors and counselors talk about leadership, burnout, and mental health. If you were unable to join us, you can purchase the full day’s recordings through the GC2 website. They will be available until January 10, 2020. [/toggle]リック・ウォレン、ダーウィン・グレイ、ルース・ヘイリー・バートン、ドリュー・ヒョン、デビッド・ワン、フィリップ・ライケン、マーガレット・ディダムスなどの指導者から投げかけられた言葉は、今を生きる牧師にとって最も重要なことを教えてくれるメッセージだった。今回、その内容についていくつか考察したい。
[toggle]The messages from leaders such as Rick Warren, Derwin Gray, Ruth Hayley Barton, Drew Hyun, David Wang, Philip Ryken, Margaret Diddams, and others reflected the most important messages pastors need to hear today. Below are some of our takeaways. [/toggle]
[toggle]Pastoring is difficult. Ask any pastor how the day is going and about 360 days of the year you’ll hear at least one challenge that day—relational, spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental. Roughly five days a year we feel like we wouldn’t have changed a thing. Those are precious days when so many are filled with defeat, discomfort, or discouragement. [/toggle]牧師は、人々の人生のほつれを繕(つくろ)う手助けを常に求められる。しかし、破れを抱える信徒を牧会する牧師もまた、破れを抱える一人の人間だ。
[toggle]Pastors are called on constantly to help people fix their lives, because pastors minister to people who are broken. But pastors are broken people, too. It’s easy to want to come up with the quick fix, the perfect remedy. I just need a plan! we muse to ourselves. I just need a strategy, or, I wish I could stay committed to the strategy I have, we think. Or, I need more sleep. I need more sabbath-ing. [/toggle]これから、牧師の信じている8つの嘘(うそ)について書こうと思う。それは、過去の偉大なリーダーたちが踏み固めた道から私たちを自由にしてくれるだろう。
[toggle]I want to give eight lies pastors believe—those which can pull us off the beaten path traveled by godly leaders in generations past. Part One looks at the first four. [/toggle]
ピノキオの鼻は、嘘をつけばつくほど伸びる(写真:Vladimir Menkov)
1 より良い計画と戦略さえあれば、より良い牧会者になれるはずだ
[toggle]1. I just need more plans and strategies, and I will be a better leader. [/toggle]牧師は「行動」を優先させることが多い。そして、「キリストのために何を行うか」に気を取られるあまり、「キリストにおいて私は何者か」のほうがはるかに重要なことを忘れてしまう。ダーウィン・グレイは、先日のG2サミットでの講演を次のように簡潔に要約した。「神が見たいと思っているのは、あなたを通して御業(みわざ)が行われることではなく、あなたの中で御業が行われることではないか」
[toggle]Pastors tend to be doers, and in our doing we can forget that who we are in Christ matters far more than what we do for Christ. Derwin Gray summed up the recent G2 Summit’s focus succinctly: “The greatest work God wants to see done is not ministry THROUGH you, but ministry IN you.” [/toggle]牧師が精神的・感情的に消耗しきるまで職務に殉ずる時には往々にして、「どんな困難だろうが、より良い計画と戦略があれば乗り越えられるはずだ」という嘘を信じている。「特効薬のような計画さえあれば、私の教会はこれを成し遂げられるはずだ。そうすれば私は満足だ」と。
[toggle]When pastors give and minister to the point of mental or emotional exhaustion we can begin to believe the lie that the answer to every challenge is a new plan or strategy: just give me the one strategy, the “magic bullet” I can use to lead my church to do ______, and I am set. There is no magic bullet. We don’t need a magic bullet. We need Jesus. [/toggle]より良い指導者となれる唯一の方法は、神からの愛をより深く受け止めることだ。リック・ウォレンはそれについてこんな言い方をした。「宣教におけるあなたの最初の仕事は、神の愛を受け入れることです。あなたは自らの愛し方を神から教わったのです」
[toggle]The only way to lead better is by letting God love you better. Rick Warren framed it this way, “Your first job in ministry is to let God love you. God made you to love you.” Too many pastors either don’t believe this, or don’t live as if they believe this. We don’t need more of anything except Jesus, and only he will be the one to guide us to what we actually do need more of. [/toggle]