


Although many emergency preparedness websites encourage households to have a minimum of three days of food, water, and other supplies, major storms like Sandy, Hurricane Katrina, and concerns about computer hacking of our power grid, all make it wise to have a several weeks of supplies on hand—and supplies to share—if at all possible. This includes food, water, and fuel since water and gas pumps may not work.


Below is a list of items to get you started. Consult the FEMA and Red Cross websites thoroughly when making these and any other emergency plans:
  • 一人につき1日2000~3000キロカロリーの保存食を準備する。塩からいものは避け、長期になることも考慮に入れて、なるべくさまざまな種類を用意する。
Store 2,000 to 3,000 calories of food per person, per day, of nonperishable food, avoiding salty foods, and including some food variety for a longer emergency
  • コンクリート製ではない水を溜めておけるところ(コンクリートから化学薬品が染み出るので)に水(一人につき1日4~7リットル)を入れて保存する。6カ月ごとに水は入れ替えること。
Store water (1 to 2 gallons per person, per day) off of concrete (which can leach chemicals), changing the water every six months
  • キャンプ用品か災害用品の店で大型の水のろ過機を購入する。お風呂の水を飲用水として使えるようにするため。
Consider buying a large water filter from a camping or emergency supply store, which can purify outdoor or bathtub water for drinking
  • 明かりを得るため、またその他の必要(寒い時の熱源など)のために、安全で手ごろな代替エネルギーを探しておく。
Look for safe and affordable alternative energy sources for lighting and other needs (such as heat in cold weather)
  • 水の使用を最低限に抑えるため、洗濯が簡単な服を準備しておく。
Consider storing easy to wash clothes, to minimize water usage
  • 子どものために本とゲームを用意する。洋服や他のものはFEMAホームページのリストを参照。
Have items for reading, games for children, clothes, and other items listed on the FEMA website
  • 自宅と家族を守るために、家族が取るべき安全の手立てを、祈りをもって考える。(次ページに続く)
Prayerfully consider what security options you and your family want to take to protect yourselves and your home
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