


[toggle]Hinn’s ministry came under investigation again in 2017. The IRS raided the televangelist’s headquarters in Grapevine, Texas. The agents had a search warrant saying there was probable cause to believe they would find evidence of tax evasion and “general fraud against the government” in the ministry’s offices. [/toggle]


[toggle]A spokesman for the IRS told CT that the agency cannot legally confirm or deny whether that investigation is ongoing. [/toggle]


[toggle]Neither Hinn nor his spokesman could be reached for comment on Friday. [/toggle]



[toggle]Hinn’s nephew, Costi Hinn, who has been very critical of his uncle and of the prosperity gospel, said the big, splashy “renunciation” does fit a pattern. [/toggle]


[toggle] “Over the years, he has consistently conceded to enough of a report or an accusation to gain enough trust—as if he’s admitting to it—to gain control over the narrative. He always wants to control the narrative,” Costi Hinn said. [/toggle]


[toggle]It’s also not clear how thorough this renunciation is. Online at Benny Hinn Ministries, a recent article says if you praise God, you will be blessed with material rewards. “As you faithfully continue to praise God, increased blessings will start to appear in your life,” it says. “Eventually, you will no longer struggle to make the house payments nor worry about getting your lights shut off.” [/toggle]


[toggle]Hinn also critiqued the prosperity gospel in 2018, saying it had gone too far. He later explained that he wasn’t renouncing the teaching; he only felt it needed to be clarified. [/toggle]


[toggle]On the Monday broadcast, after saying he was correcting his theology, Hinn seemed to reiterate the substance of the prosperity gospel. [/toggle]


[toggle]“I still believe in prosperity,” Hinn said. “The message of prosperity is in the Bible. We cannot deny that if we give, we will receive. That’s in the Bible. You can’t erase it. No way. God wants to bless his people way more than you want to receive that blessing. But you can’t put a price on it.” [/toggle]


[toggle]Costi Hinn is hopeful, nonetheless, that the “correction” is the start of a real change for the televangelist. If the transformation is real, he said he would throw his uncle a parade. But it’s difficult to take Benny Hinn at face value. Watching the recording of Monday’s statement, Costi couldn’t help but see a performance. [/toggle]


[toggle]“It’s very sensational,” he told CT. “When we are repenting, we’re humble. We’re very low. We’re not being sensational when we repent. We’re being broken. We’re being contrite. There was a lot of showmanship in the statement.” [/toggle]


[toggle]Need for Accountability [/toggle]


[toggle]Costi Hinn said one thing he would hope to see is some measure of accountability. A board of outside overseers would go far, he said, towards ensuring this change is real. [/toggle]



[toggle]Rusty Leonard, the founder of Ministry Watch, an independent evangelical group that advocates for financial accountability and transparency, agrees. [/toggle]


[toggle] “Maybe it’s sincere. I’m hopeful,” Leonard said. “But right now there isn’t any corroboration. I want corroboration from a leading non-prosperity gospel pastor. It would be nice if he sat down with John Piper or someone like that, and someone like that said, ‘He’s repented.’” [/toggle]


[toggle]Lack of accountability is one of the standard critiques of the prosperity gospel, especially from classical Pentecostals like the Assemblies of God. The denomination teaches that God does miracles today; people can be healed by faith; and it is important for Christians to pray for divine intervention. But it rejects what it sees as the facile formula of prosperity teaching. [/toggle]


[toggle] “You’ve got to have a modicum of accountability,” said Self at AGTS. “It’s not that people have to be denominational. But when they’re on their own and they’re not correctable, that’s a deep concern.” [/toggle]



[toggle]In his broadcast, Hinn mentioned discussing his theological change with Steve Strang, the founder and CEO of Charisma Magazine. He also reported on a recent conversation with Pat Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, and talked about praying with him. Hinn did not indicate that anyone would be overseeing any changes he might make to his ministry, though. [/toggle]


[toggle]Leonard said he didn’t think it was likely to happen.
“I’m not cautiously optimistic,” he told CT. “That’s too strong. I’m whatever the opposite of that is—maybe I’m hopefully pessimistic.” [/toggle]






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