[toggle]A few years ago, I was interviewing Rob Bell for Christianity Today about his book, Jesus Wants to Save Christians. He wrote something in the book that surprised me (imagine that, Rob Bell saying something surprising). So I asked him to clarify himself: “What to you is the purpose of the church?” [/toggle]
[toggle] “The purpose of the church,” he replied, “is to make the world a better place.” That’s what he had said in the book, and that’s the statement that puzzled me. I frankly couldn’t believe he had said that in front of God and everybody. But as I thought about it, I realized that Bell had expressed precisely the current zeitgeist of the American church. I was less concerned about Bell than I was about the church. [/toggle]これまでこの連載では、「米国の教会、特に神の名による福音派の教会活動は、神への熱心さに暗い影を落としている」と主張し続けている。教会について考えるにあたり、まずどのように水平(人間同士)の横のつながりが垂直(神と人間)の縦のつながりの光を奪っているか、そして垂直の縦のつながりを再考することができる方法について、より深く考え始めることが必要だ。これから書く3つのエッセイで、私たちの教会で実際に実践されている(私は誤っていると信じている)神学を見たいと思う。そこから、これがどのように働き、教会生活のさまざまな側面にどう影響するかを考察するため、いくつかのエッセイを書く必要がある。
[toggle]So far in this series, I’ve begun arguing (links to this series can be found here) that the American church, and the evangelical church in particular, has let our activism in the name of God eclipse our passion for God. There is no better place to begin thinking more deeply about how the horizontal has eclipsed the vertical—and how we can reimagine the vertical—than to think about the church. For the next three essays, I want to look at our operative (and I believe mistaken) theology of church. From there, I’ll use some essays to look at how this works itself as well as how it affects various aspects of church life. [/toggle]「福音派的信仰は教会論がない」、つまり「教会についての教義がない」と批判されることがよくある。失礼ながら、私の考えは違う。それどころか、「福音派は、教会についての不適切で不完全な教義を持っている」と言える。これが、このムーブメントが危機に瀕(ひん)していると思う理由の一つだ。
[toggle]Evangelical faith is often criticized for having no ecclesiology, that is, no doctrine of the church. I beg to differ, and instead say that it has an inadequate and truncated doctrine of the church. It’s one reason I believe the movement is in crisis.[/toggle]社会的福音から伝道へ
[toggle]From Social Gospel to Missional[/toggle]1960年代半ばから89年まで、私は平信徒だったが、その後、「PC(USA)」と呼ばれる主流派の長老教会(米国で5番目に大きな教団。2018年の教会員は135万2678人。1位が南部バプテスト連盟、2位が合同メソジスト教会、3位がアッセンブリーズ・オブ・ゴッド教団、4位が米国福音ルーテル教会)の牧師だった。次の14年間、私は米国聖公会の信徒となった。私は40年以上にわたり、主流派、リベラルなキリスト教に深く関わってきた。そして、ここでは伝統的に、「教会の目的は、世界をより良い場所にすることだ」と考えられてきた。これは誰からも支持されているわけではなく、また主流派の至るところで言われているわけでもないが、明らかに一般に普及している前提だ。
[toggle]From the mid-’60s until 1989, I was a member, and then a minister, in what is now called PC(USA), the mainline Presbyterian church. The next 14 years, I was a member of the Episcopal Church. For over four decades, I had been embedded in mainline/liberal Christianity. And most in this tradition assume that the church’s purpose is to make the world a better place. This is not held by everyone, everywhere in the mainline, nor is it always said in just this way. But it is clearly a widespread assumption. [/toggle]
[toggle]The purpose was “born” in the late 19th and early 20th century. It was articulated most cogently by Baptist theologian and activist Walter Rauschenbusch in his A Theology for the Social Gospel. In it, he said, “The new thing in the social gospel is the clearness and insistence with which it sets forth the necessity and the possibility of redeeming the historical life of humanity from the social wrongs which now pervade it.” [/toggle]ラウシェンブッシュは、彼自身の「神の国」についての理解によってこの結論に至った。個人的な救いの必要性は認めながらも、社会的救済、つまり社会的福音について彼は最も心を砕いた。「社会的福音に生きる人たちへ」として、彼は次のように語る。「神の国は大切な真実であり、福音の神髄だ。受肉についてアタナシウスが、信仰義認についてはルターが、神の主権についてはジョナサン・エドワーズが語ったように」
[toggle]Rauschenbusch was driven to this conclusion by his conception of the kingdom of God. While acknowledging the need for individual salvation, he was most concerned about social salvation—thus the social gospel. “To those whose minds live in the social gospel,” he said, “the Kingdom of God is a dear truth, the marrow of the gospel, just as the incarnation was to Athanasius, justification by faith alone to Luther, and the sovereignty of God to Jonathan Edwards.” [/toggle]「神の国が神の究極の目的であるので、それは教会が存在する目的であるに違いない。教会の諸制度、活動、礼拝、その神学も、長い目で見て、神の国の創造において有効性があるかどうかが試されなければならない」
[toggle]Therefore, he said later, “Since the Kingdom is the supreme end of God, it must be the purpose for which the Church exists. … The institutions of the Church, its activities, its worship, and its theology must in the long run be tested by its effectiveness in creating the Kingdom of God.” [/toggle]神の国と社会的福音が、死んだ教会を生き返らせる考え方だと彼は信じていた。「教会が存在する目的として神の国が立てられていたら、教会はこんな腐敗と怠惰に堕することはなかっただろう」
[toggle]He believed that the kingdom of God/social gospel was the concept that could invigorate a dead church: “If the Kingdom had stood as the purpose for which the Church exists, the Church could not have fallen into such corruption and sloth.” [/toggle]一方、この考え方は教会の存在価値を引き上げる。「耕すことを選んだ土地で、良い指導者のもと、地域の教会は真の救いの力となる」
[toggle]On the one hand, this conception elevates the church: “Within the field it has chosen to cultivate, the local church under good leadership is really a power of salvation.” [/toggle]しかし、教会があまり真剣にそのことを受け取らないので、彼はまた次のように指摘する。「神の国は、教会とその活動の範囲内に限定されない。人間の生活の全体を含んでいる。それは社会秩序のキリスト教的変容だ。教会は、家族や社会の産業組織、国家と並ぶ一つの社会組織なのだ」
[toggle]But lest the church take itself too seriously, he also noted, “The Kingdom of God is not confined within the limits of the Church and its activities. It embraces the whole of human life. It is the Christian transfiguration of the social order. The Church is one social institution alongside of the family, the industrial organization of society, and the State.” [/toggle]言い換えれば、教会の目的は、他のすべての社会制度と同じように、世界をより良い場所にすること。別の言い方をすると、教会は世界のために存在するのだ。(後編に続く)
[toggle]In other words, the purpose of the church—like all other social institutions—is to make the world a better place. Or to put it another way, the church exists for the sake of the world. [/toggle]