[toggle]Aboost in giving—up to $11.8 billion total—and major church growth in Texas was not enough to fend off more than a decade of declines among the Southern Baptist Convention last year. [/toggle]今日(23日)発表された年次教会概要(ACP、Annual Church Profile)によると、米国で最大のプロテスタント教派である南部バプテスト連盟は、以前より規模が小さくなっている。2018年の会員数は、1989年以来初めて1500万人を下回り、87年以来の最低値である1480万人に減少した。
[toggle]The nation’s biggest Protestant denomination isn’t as big as it used to be, according to its Annual Church Profile (ACP), released today. Membership fell to 14.8 million in 2018—its first time below 15 million since 1989 and the lowest it’s been since 1987. [/toggle]サウスウェスタン・バプテスト神学校のアダム・グリーンウェイ校長は語る。「たとえ内容がネガティブなものだとしても、統計は私たちにとって大切です。ACPで減少傾向を見るのはつらいが、私たち南部バプテストには改善が必要です。神様の助けを乞(こ)うばかりです」
[toggle] “Facts are our friends, even when the facts themselves are unfriendly,” said new Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Adam Greenway. “Heartbreaking to see these ACP declines. We must do better as Southern Baptists. God help us.” [/toggle]
[toggle]Compiled by LifeWay Christian Resources, the ACP is based on self-reported data from about three-fourths of SBC churches, so it’s not a comprehensive picture but is still used to capture overall trends in the denomination. For more than 10 years, the trajectory hasn’t looked good. [/toggle]
米国空母の牧師がバプテスマを施す(写真:U.S. Navy)
[toggle]In 2018, baptisms dipped by 3 percent, not as dramatic as the previous year when they were down 9 percent. Overall, Southern Baptists’ namesake practice has reached a historic low of 246,000 baptisms a year—around how many people were dunked by the denomination back in the 1940s, when it was less than half its current size. [/toggle]
[toggle] “Like many, I am discouraged to see 7,000 less baptisms this year,” said J. D. Greear, SBC president and pastor of The Summit Church, in a statement to CT. “It is the Lord who saves, but this information should spur us on even more to be intentional in evangelism.” [/toggle]前回の報告書で見られた礼拝への出席数と総教会数のわずかな増加は、2018年には続かなかった。毎週の礼拝出席は530万人と、わずかに減少(0・43%)し、教会数は88少ない4万7456まで減少した。
[toggle]The slight increases in worship attendance and total number of churches in the previous report did not continue their turnaround in 2018. Attendance saw a tiny decline of 0.43 percent to 5.3 million weekly worshipers, and churches are down by 88 to 47,456. [/toggle]しかし、「バプテスト・プレス」紙ではこう報道されている。「4つの州で、南部バプテストの教会数が2桁増加した。テキサス・ジェネラル・バプテスト連盟では44、テキサス州南部バプテスト連盟は31、ミネソタ・ウィスコンシン・バプテスト連盟は22、バージニア州南部バプテスト連盟は20も教会が増えている」
[toggle]Still, “four state conventions saw double-digit growth in the number of Southern Baptist congregations,” Baptist Press noted. “The Baptist General Convention of Texas added 44 congregations, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention grew by 31, the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention added 22 congregations, and the SBC of Virginia grew by 20.” [/toggle]統計で上昇した主要な分野ではもう一つ、献金額が2年連続で増加している。教会員数と教会数が減ったにもかかわらず、2018年の教会の総収入は8200万ドル増え、118億ドルだった(この数字にはSBCの協働プログラムへの寄付は含まれていない)。グリアー氏は言う。「献金額のわずかな増加には励まされました。分け与えること、また私たちの組織が大宣教命令に従うパートナーシップとしてどれだけ役立つかについて、現在進められている議論を楽しみにしています」
[toggle]The other major area of growth came in the offering plates, where giving grew for the second year in a row. Despite having fewer members and fewer churches, total church receipts were up by $82 million in 2018 to $11.8 billion. (These figures do not include giving to the SBC’s Cooperative Program.) “I was encouraged by the slight increases in giving. I look forward to ongoing discussions about our generosity, and how our systems can best aid in effective partnership toward the Great Commission,” Greear said. [/toggle]2006年にピークを迎えて以来、南部バプテストの会員数は150万人近く減少した。これは「無宗教層」の増加など、プロテスタントのアイデンティティーの大幅な低下に影響されたものだ。
[toggle]Since peaking in 2006, Southern Baptist membership has fallen by nearly 1.5 million, corresponding with a larger decline in Protestant identity along with the rise of the “nones.” [/toggle]
[toggle]Ronnie Floyd, president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee, said that the recent report shows “urgency is not an option.” [/toggle]「南部バプテスト連盟は、霊的にも戦略的にもリセットしなくてはいけません。私たちの世代のバプテスト信者は今、私たちがイエス・キリストの福音を世界中のすべての人に伝え、あらゆる国の人々を弟子とするために必要なことは何でもすると信じ、決断しなくてはなりません」
[toggle] “It is time to press reset spiritually and strategically in the Southern Baptist Convention,” he told the Baptist Press. “Our generation of Baptists must believe and determine now that we will do whatever it takes to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and to make disciples of all the nations.” [/toggle]グリア―氏も同様に呼びかける。「次の世代に向けての私たちの祈りは、伝道や教会開拓とその活性化であり、また数十年にわたる衰退を止めることです。言葉だけではなく行動において、優先されるべき事柄を私たちは優先すべきです。バーミンガムで開かれる年次総会が、私たち全員の心をそのことに向けさせるものとなるよう祈っています」
[toggle]Greear offered a similar call: “For the upcoming generation, our prayer should be to see an increase in evangelism, church planting and revitalization, and ultimately an end to decades of decline. First things must be first, not only in our declarations but especially in our demonstrations. I pray that our annual meeting in Birmingham will spur all of us to that end.” [/toggle]南部バプテスト連盟は6月11日から12日まで年次総会を開催する。
[toggle]The SBC will hold its annual denomination-wide gathering June 11–12. [/toggle]執筆:ケイト・シェルナット