[toggle]For millions of Americans, the school year has already ended—good news for Zoom-weary students, parents, and educators alike. But even as families are figuring out how to entertain their children all summer long, teachers will have to regroup and figure out what distance learning might look like at the start of the school year. After all, choosing when to reopen schools isn’t a simple process. [/toggle]
(写真:Project Kei)
[toggle]While some governors have said that schools will reopen this fall, last month, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the US Senate that remote learning is likely to continue into the next school year. While the CDC provided recommendations for reopening schools, there is doubt from both parents and members of Congress alike. As an educator and parent, I share these concerns. [/toggle]教師たちは、今からすでに指導準備を始めなくてはならない。行政や同僚に対して情報やサポートを求めることもできるが、信仰を持っている教育者であれば、イエスから知恵を借りることもできるだろう。
[toggle]Although we’re in the middle of the summer, teachers must begin to prepare for delivering academic instruction. While teachers can look to their districts and colleagues for resources and support, educators of faith have an additional source of wisdom: Jesus. [/toggle]確かにイエスの教えは、多くが対面で行われた。(湖で舟の上からなど)遠く離れたところにいる人々に話しかけたこともあったが、イエスは多くの人と近い距離で関係性を築いていたと福音書は語る。キリストは肉体を持った人間として宣教活動を行ったわけだが、遠く離れた人にも教えを語り、癒やしをもたらした。
[toggle]Yes, much of Jesus’ teaching came in person. Though he sometimes addressed people from hundreds of feet away—from a boat while they stayed on land, for example—many of the stories found in the gospels portray a person who enjoyed being close to others. Yet despite the incarnational nature of Christ’s ministry, there were moments when Christ ministered through lessons and healing at a distance. [/toggle]信仰を持つ教師やすべての教育者(※牧師や教会学校教師も)が学ぶべきキリスト的リモート授業テクニックを4つにまとめた。
[toggle]Here are four Christ-inspired techniques critical for Christian teachers, and all educators, to add to their teaching toolbelt for the fall: [/toggle]1 離れた場所からでも祝福を与えられる
[toggle]1. Identify ways to be a blessing for students at a distance. [/toggle]イエスは自らの活動について、物理的な制限に甘んじることはなかった。病気にかかった僕(しもべ)を持つ百人隊長がやって来ると、イエスは彼の信仰を通じて、「力は距離を超えて働く」ことを証明した(ルカ7:2~9)。イエスは至るところにおられ、その力は限りなく世に及んでいるが、この物語は、「私たちの必要を満たすのにイエスが必要とするのは信仰であり、イエス自身の物理的存在ではない」ことを教えてくれる。百人隊長の信仰があったからこそ、癒やし主イエスの働きは距離の制限に妨げられることはなかったのだ。
[toggle]Jesus never let his physical limitations hinder his impact. When confronted by a Roman centurion whose servant was paralyzed, Jesus used the soldier’s faith to prove that his power transcended their location (Luke 7:2-9). Though Jesus is present everywhere and his power has an unlimited reach, this story reminds us that all we actually need for Jesus to meet our needs is faith, not his physical presence. The centurion’s faith did not limit Jesus’ function as a healer despite his lack of proximity to his daughter. [/toggle]同じように遠く離れた教師も、生徒の人生に確かな影響を与えられる。教師として働く友人も、自らが開催している「放課後の数学クラブ」の影響についてそう理解している。生徒が学校に在籍しているか否かにかかわらず、パンデミック以前から彼は放課後、多くの生徒に定期的な指導をしてきた。学校がリモート授業を実施すると決めた際にも、彼はオンラインを通して指導を続けることに決めた。
[toggle]Likewise, teachers can have real impact in the lives of their students remotely. A teacher friend of mine exhibited this understanding of his impact with his “Club Math After Hours.” Before the pandemic, he regularly tutored many of his current and former students after school. When his school went remote, he decided to continue tutoring students via web conferencing. [/toggle]毎晩1時間、ポップなBGMを流しながら、生徒から送られてきた数学の問題の解き方を、ホワイトボードを使ってレクチャーした。自宅待機が始まる前にもそれは可能だっただろう。しかし、自宅待機が始まったことにより、「教師としての役割は肉体的な限界を乗り越えられる」とその友人は思い知ったのだ。
[toggle]For an hour each night, students would send him math problems, and he’d show them how to answer them on his whiteboard while popular music played in the background. Could he have done this prior to the quarantining period? Yes. But quarantine reminded my friend that his function as a teacher went beyond his physical limitations. To my teacher friends, don’t cede your impact to the quarantine; like Jesus, we too can touch people’s lives. [/toggle]2 行動・目的志向の勧めを
[toggle]2. Give students action-oriented, purpose-driven assignments. [/toggle]イエスは天に戻る前に、弟子たちには使徒として働くための訓練が必要だと分かっていた。イエスは数カ月教え、任務について具体的な指示を与えると、弟子たちを二人ずつ送り出した(マルコ6:7~13)。彼らは、その訓練と指示に基づいて人々を癒やし、悪霊を追い出した。
[toggle]Jesus understood that the disciples needed practice in order to perform as apostles after departure back to heaven. Jesus sent them out, two by two, with specific instructions about their missions, after they had spent months learning from him (Mark 6:7-13). With those lessons and directives, the disciples healed people and drove out evil spirits. Like Jesus releasing the disciples out into the community, teachers should could consider offering students assignments where they can too can put lessons into practice and serve their homes, families, and communities. [/toggle]パンデミックは私たちの行動と移動を制限したが、それはまた、支えを必要とする人々に手を差し伸べる機会も与えてくれた。
[toggle]While the pandemic has limited what we can do and where we can go, it has also yielded opportunities to be of service to those in need. In her lesson teaching students to tell time, my second grader’s teacher educated her class and encouraged them to look out for others by assigning them the task of timing our visit to the supermarket, with the goal of reducing that time to keep us safe during the pandemic. [/toggle]そして、計画の実行について具体的な指示を出し、息子は自分が教わったことを生かして、私たちが買い物にかける時間をいつもより20分短縮してくれた。この宿題の持つ大きな意義は、自分の受けている授業の目的を8歳の息子でも実感できたことだ。パンデミックの最中でも、学ぶことは生活の質の向上に役立つ。その後、息子は、私たちの行動時間をすべて計るようになった(それはそれで、なかなかたいへんだが)。
[toggle]She gave specific instructions to carry out, and with my son’s lessons under his belt, he’s helped us shave 20 minutes from our original shopping time, even with the crowds. What made this assignment so impactful is that it provided an opportunity for my son to see how a classroom lesson had a purpose in his eight-year-old world. Learning could improve one’s quality of life, even during a pandemic. Now, he times us on everything; that comes with its own challenges! [/toggle]3 一人ひとりの置かれた環境について思いやりを
[toggle]3. Practice compassion as you teach, discipline, and make and grade assignments. [/toggle]イエスが町を訪れた時はいつも群衆がついて来た。人々がイエスを求めた理由は、しばしば癒やしのためだった。弟子がそのことを不快に思ったとしても、イエスは誰のことも追い返したりはしなかった。
[toggle]Whenever Jesus visited a town, a crowd usually followed. People often sought Jesus for healing, and Jesus never denied anyone—even when it displeased his followers. In one notorious incident, Jesus welcomed children despite his disciples rebuking them (Matt. 19:14). During one trip in Jericho, Jesus heard two blind men shouting for him, and when the crowd told them to be quiet, Jesus stopped and healed them immediately (Matt. 9:27-31). Over and over, Jesus practiced compassion by noticing people’s conditions, looking beyond their faults, and meeting their needs. [/toggle]思いやりをもって導くというイエスの示した姿勢は、教育者にとって大切なものだ。宿題を提出しないことや成績の低さにばかり着目してしまう人は多い。しかし多くの生徒は、パンデミック下にある家庭環境に苦しんでいる。教師が時間をかけて、生徒たちの生活に何が起こっているかを理解しようとすることが大事だ。
[toggle]Jesus’ example of leading with compassion is an important one for educators. We may be tempted to only see our students through the lens of missed assignments or low grades. But many of our students are struggling with the effects of the pandemic at home. It’s important for us as teachers to take time and understand what is happening in their lives. [/toggle]英語を教えている友人は、他のクラスからたくさん宿題が出されていることを知り、学期末の宿題を早くから発表して、提出までの期間を12週間分長くした。生徒たちは毎週のオンライン授業での短いレッスンに加えて、学期末の宿題にも取り組む時間が与えられたのだ。また、宿題の提出日はいつも木曜日なので、生徒たちは金曜日と週末をゆっくり過ごすことができた。
[toggle]Understanding the workload that her students had with their other classes, an English teacher friend assigned a 4th marking period paper early and stretched out the assignment due dates over 12 weeks. Each week, they worked on their papers in addition to receiving brief lessons during their web conferencing. Their assignments were due on Thursdays, meaning that students had no work on Fridays or over the weekend. She recently told me that her compassion and intentionality paid off; the quality of work so far was above her expectations and her students appreciated her working with them. Her compassion enabled their cooperation and facilitated their success. [/toggle]4 それぞれの生活様式に合わせて教えを変える
[toggle]4. Be culturally responsive in your instruction. [/toggle]イエスはその地域が経験してきた歴史を理解することにより、そこの生活様式に従ってたとえや教え方を変化させ、人々が自分の姿をより明確に捉えられるようにした。イエスはしばしば、その文化の常識や習慣をたとえに盛り込みながら神の国の原則を教えた。
[toggle]Understanding the history of the region and experiences of the people enabled Jesus to tailor his parables and characters to reflect the lives of the people so they could see themselves. When Jesus taught through parables, he often relied on cultural norms and ways of being to build a story that taught a heavenly principle. Stories of sowing, reaping, building, planting, and harvesting related to people of an agrarian economy. Jesus recognized how one’s culture and condition serves as a building block for all future learning. [/toggle]授業を直接するかリモートにするかにかかわらず、文化に対応した指導を行うことは重要だ。人生の学びや経験は一人ひとり異なる。
[toggle]Culturally responsive teaching is important whether students learn in-person or remotely. However, everyone learns and experiences life differently. For example, according to instructional consultant Zaretta Hammond, cultures based on oral tradition, like African American culture, rely heavily on the reticular activating system (RAS) to activate learning. The RAS seeks information that validates self and one’s own beliefs based on experience. [/toggle]新型コロナ・ウイルスは、特に黒人やラテン系、先住民のコミュニティーに大きな悪影響を与えている。経済的・健康的被害を広範に受けた一部の生徒と親は、学校との接触を完全に断ったという。
[toggle]COVID-19 has disproportionally harmed black, Latino and indigenous communities. As a result, educators say that some students and their parents have dropped out of touch with schools completely as families struggle with the broader economic and health effects of the coronavirus outbreak. When we speak of the impact this pandemic has on all Americans, we must keep in mind COVID-19’s disproportionate impact. Likewise, although children of all backgrounds attend schools, not everyone learns in the same way, and culture and conditions have a lot to do with that. [/toggle]リモート指導を行う必要のあるパンデミックの状況下で、そうした状況背景を指し示すヒントを見逃してはならない。この未曽有の事態の中で、教師は生徒をサポートするため、あらゆる手段を考慮すべきだ。
[toggle]During a pandemic where teachers are required to instruct students remotely, no strategic stone must be left unturned. Teachers must utilize all the tools on their toolbelt to support students during this unprecedented time. The same teacher who is running the math club has, with the help of parents, curated playlists of childhood songs according to racial, ethnic, community, and religious traditions for his students to help students study during the pandemic. Research has noted the impact music has on the brain, and while the effect of the culturally based playlists hasn’t been examined, he decided to tap into the culture of his students to facilitate nostalgia and good feelings among his students to support their well-being and concentration for both his class and other classes. [/toggle]喜んでこの働きに従事するとき、教師はキリストのようにその役割を果たせるだろう。この状況を生かしてやっていこう。
[toggle]Teachers can do all these things as Christ if we are willing vessels. Let’s live this. [/toggle]執筆:ラン・ミラー