[toggle]The US congregations most likely to grow are the 10 percent that already have more than 250 worshipers.[/toggle]
[toggle]In many congregations in the United States, new faces in the pews have become rare. [/toggle]ライフウェイ・リサーチ社の「エクスポネンシャル」(指数関数)による新しい調査の結果、プロテスタント教会の10分の6で礼拝出席数が頭打ちになっているか減少していることが分かった。また半分以上の教会で、過去12カ月間、新たにクリスチャンになった人が10人以下だった。
[toggle]A new study from Exponential by LifeWay Research found 6 in 10 Protestant churches are plateaued or declining in attendance and more than half saw fewer than 10 people become new Christians in the past 12 months. [/toggle]「米国の教会で成長がないわけではありません。しかし、入信者による急激な成長はあまり見られません」とライフウェイ・リサーチ社のスコット・マコーネル理事は言う。
[toggle] “Growth is not absent from American churches,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research. “But rapid growth through conversions is uncommon.” [/toggle]調査結果は、現在の米国プロテスタント教会の現状を明らかにした。多くの教会(57%)が、日曜の礼拝出席人数が100人以下で、平均50人以下の教会が21%だ。礼拝に250人以上集まる教会は、全体の10分の1(11%)でしかない。
[toggle]The research gives a clear picture of the state of Protestant churches in America today. Most have fewer than 100 people attending services each Sunday (57%), including 21 percent who average fewer than 50. Around 1 in 10 churches (11%) average 250 or more for their worship services. [/toggle]「過去3年で礼拝出席者数が減り、教会成長が5%より下回った」と5分の3(61%)の牧師が回答した。2017~18年に献金額が減ったか、同じ額にとどまったとしたのは、ほぼ半数(46%)だ。
[toggle]Three in five (61%) pastors say their churches faced a decline in worship attendance or growth of 5 percent or less in the last three years. Almost half (46%) say their giving decreased or stayed the same from 2017 to 2018. [/toggle]フルタイムのスタッフが一人以下なのは、5分の2の教会(44%)。2017年と18年ではスタッフの数が変わらないか減っていると答えたのは10分の9(87%)の牧師で、7%はスタッフを解雇したという。
[toggle]More than 2 in 5 churches (44%) only have one or fewer full-time staff members. Close to 9 in 10 pastors (87%) say their church had the same or fewer number of full-time staff in 2018 as they had in 2017, including 7 percent who cut staff. [/toggle]2018年に複数の枝教会(伝道所)を加えた教会は少なく(3%)、何らかのかたちで新しい教会の設立に携わったところも少なかった(32%)。68%は、教会設立にまったく携わらなかったとしている。2018年に新しい教会の開設に携わったのは約10分の1(12%)で、教会開設のために主体的に経済支援をしたか、経済的な支えを継続的にしたと回答したのは7%。
[toggle]In 2018, few churches added new multi-site campuses (3%) or were involved in some form of planting a new church (32%). Sixty-eight percent say they had no involvement in church planting. Around 1 in 10 (12%) say they were directly or substantially involved in opening a new church in 2018, including 7 percent who were a primary financial sponsor or provided ongoing financial support to a church plant. [/toggle]「この調査研究のおもな目的は、現在、どれくらい教会が開設されたり、増えたりしたのか、その客観的な数字を得ること、そして成長の核となる背景を理解することです。これらの数字を考え合わせれば、教会数を増やすことの手助けができるでしょう」とエクスポネンシャル理事のトッド・ウィルソン氏。
[toggle] “The primary purpose of this study was to obtain a set of objective measures on churches’ reproduction and multiplication behaviors today as well as to understand their core context of growth,” said Todd Wilson, chief executive officer of Exponential. “By combining these measures, we can help churches think about multiplication.” [/toggle]減少か、頭打ちか、成長か
[toggle]Declining, plateaued, or growing? [/toggle]「3年前と比べて礼拝出席者数が6%以上落ちた」と言っている牧師は28%だ。
[toggle]Twenty-eight percent of Protestant pastors say their church has seen worship service attendance shrink by 6 percent or more compared to three years ago. [/toggle]
[toggle]Another 33 percent say their church has remained within 5 percent, while 39 percent say their congregation has grown by at least 6 percent since the first quarter of 2016. [/toggle]18歳から44歳までの牧師のうち、半分以上(55%)が「うちの教会は成長している」と言うが、45歳以上の牧師だと33%になる。
[toggle]More than half of 18- to 44-year old pastors (55 percent) say their church is growing, while 33 percent of pastors 45 and older say the same. [/toggle]福音派の教会は成長傾向にあり(42%)、主流派(34%)より多い。
[toggle]Evangelical churches are more likely to be growing (42 percent) than their mainline counterparts (34 percent). [/toggle]礼拝出席者数が平均50人より少ない教会のうち、「教会成長をしている」と回答したのは、4分の1より少ない(23%)。一方、250人以上の出席のある教会の多く(59%)が「成長している」と答えた。
[toggle]Less than a quarter (23 percent) of churches with an average worship attendance of fewer than 50 say they are growing, while most churches with 250 or more in attendance (59 percent) are growing. [/toggle]教派で見ると、ホーリネス(56%)とバプテスト(45%)の牧師が「うちの教会は成長している」と答え、メソジスト(33%)とルター派(25%)より多かった。(後編に続く)
[toggle]Among denominations, Holiness (56 percent) and Baptist (45 percent) pastors are more likely to say their churches are growing than Methodists (33 percent) and Lutherans (25 percent). [/toggle]