
[toggle]The difference spiritual preparation makes[/toggle]


[toggle]Hurricane Katrina was one of the largest disasters in our nation’s recent history. It killed more than 3,000 and left thousands more without food, water, and other services in New Orleans and other areas. After that disaster, Keith Collins, pastor of Lakeview Christian Center, realized how important their spiritual preparation was during and after that disaster:[/toggle]


[toggle]”How helpful it was for the church to be ‘theologically prepared’ for suffering. Scripture presents to us a God who is sovereign over every detail of his creation, including the catastrophes, and that God is working all things for his glory and our good. One of the most encouraging things that I observed as a pastor was that in the midst of our people losing homes, businesses, and having to relocate, they weren’t walking around asking, ‘Why, God?'”[/toggle]


[toggle]That kind of heart-preparation is vital. It will be even more important if God allows a much more serious disaster on American soil. A nuclear or biological attack could affect a city or region for many years, with much greater loss of life than Katrina.[/toggle]


[toggle]Collins’s final thoughts about what he learned through Katrina are worth remembering: “What informs our present thoughts about how we would face such a disaster again is what we experienced about how God is in the midst of disasters. He opens doors of favor, he provides in ways you didn’t script, he brings wisdom that you don’t have.” [/toggle]


[toggle]”What becomes clear,” Collins says, “is that God already has a plan in place for the day of those events. So, if I could encourage any form of preparation before such a disaster, it would be to learn to live your life and to lead your church in the regular habit of ‘God dependence.’ “Don’t grow dependent on your familiar and traditional ways of doing church to the neglect of receiving from the Holy Spirit,” Collins says. “In the day of a catastrophe the old familiar script just won’t work and there aren’t any good books that will have all the answers, but if your ear is tuned to God, he will lead you through the rubble!”[/toggle]


[toggle]Biblical examples of faith in the face of tragedy include Habakkuk (3:17-18), who saw a national disaster coming and could still rejoice in God. Job did the same thing in the face of personal tragedy that cost him everything (Job 1:21).[/toggle]

このような真実を伝えることは不可欠であり、災害が起こる前に心に刻むべきだ。同じことをジョン・パイパーが著書『圧倒的な罪』(Spectacular Sins、邦訳なし)で指摘しており、今後起こるだろう「世界規模の悲しみ」のために教会のリーダーは人々を霊的に整えるべきだという。

[toggle]Teaching these truths is vitally important, and the time to take them to heart is before a disaster strikes. This is a point John Piper makes in his book Spectacular Sins, which encourages church leaders to prepare people spiritually for “global sorrows” that are coming.[/toggle]


[toggle]Careful spiritual preparation has no downside: it prepares us for personal tragedies as well as national ones, whether they come or not.[/toggle]


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