


[toggle]You share candidly about your anger at the Hutu people. How have you learned to forgive, and what spiritual practices have most sustained you in this long pursuit of reconciliation? [/toggle]


[toggle]Forgiveness doesn’t mean that I forget what happened. I remember, but I have no more resentment. As human beings, we need new strength from God to overcome feelings of resentment and revenge. [/toggle]

ある日、仕事を終えた私はベッドのそばでひざまずき、神様と話していました。「なぜ殺害をやめさせず、介入してくださらなかったのですか」と訴えたのです。怒りに駆られて、私は神様にすべてを話しました。私が抱いた恐れや絶望、怒りについて。そのとき、ある重要なことを神さまは明らかにしてくださいました。「デニス、あなたは恵みによって生き延びたのだ。人々にその恵みを分け与えなさい! 信徒を裏切ったあなたの牧師やあなたを見捨てた人、あなたの愛する者を殺した殺人者を赦しなさい。もし彼らが心を頑(かたく)なにして悔い改めないのであれば、その者には私が臨む。あなたの仕事は、彼らが再び人になれるよう助けることだ」

[toggle]After my work, I would kneel beside my bed and talk with God. I reproached him for not intervening to stop the killing. In my anger, I told him everything: my fear, hopelessness, and anger. During that time, he revealed something important: “Denise, you survived by grace. Give that grace to others! Forgive your pastor who betrayed his flock, the congregation that abandoned you, the killers who murdered your loved ones. If they harden their hearts and refuse to repent, that is my business. Your task is to help them become human again.” [/toggle]

私は言いました。「赦すなんてできません! 彼らはもう人間ではありません。彼らは獣(けもの)にも劣る者たちです」。教会が謝罪のステップを踏むことなしにサバイバーたちに赦しを求める姿勢が私は好きではありませんでした。しかし、神は御言葉を通して、「殺人者でさえ、自らの罪を告白して悔い改めることができる」と思い起こさせてくれました。

[toggle]I said, “No, I can’t forgive them! They are not human beings anymore. They are worse than animals.” I did not like the way churches demanded survivors to forgive, while they took no steps to apologize. But God reminded me, through his Word, that even killers could confess their sins and repent. [/toggle]


[toggle]When the first Hutu refugees returned to Rwanda from the Congo, they had nothing. I organized, with others, to give them food and clothes. A young Hutu woman came to my home, begging for something to eat. I was amazed. I hurried into my bedroom and knelt by my bed to pray: “Is it possible that this woman dares come here? Has she forgotten what they have done against us?” Then I remembered Romans 12:21: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” I listened to God and obeyed what he taught me. I also asked forgiveness for my own anger and hate. [/toggle]



[toggle]You describe the importance of community in the aftermath of the genocide. What difference has it made to realize you are not alone? [/toggle]


[toggle]Everyone who had lost loved ones longed for someone to trust. We discovered that bearing one another’s burdens is the first step from isolation to healing. When I started meeting with other widows, I was reminded of a cooking fire: When smoldering sticks are scattered, they smoke and go out. But if they’re brought together, they flare into flame. [/toggle]


[toggle]My dear 92-year-old mother-in-law made the same discovery, saying, “When I’m alone, I think only of myself. But when I help someone else, I too am helped.” She is the one who got survivors in her village to stop depending on alcohol and then donated her land for a community center, saying, “I want those who killed, also, to become human again. In this place, they too will learn to love.” [/toggle]


[toggle]I must underscore that Jesus was at the heart of our togetherness. To get together without him would not have helped. Many people in this world get together in a wrong spirit, inciting each other to hatred. It was through turning to Jesus, listening to each other in his presence, that we started to find comfort—even though we still had many questions for God. [/toggle]

ニャマタ虐殺記念教会に並べられた犠牲者の頭蓋骨(写真:Fanny Schertzer)


[toggle]What do you wish followers of Jesus had done during those 100 days of slaughter? And what should Christians around the world understand about the Rwandan genocide today? [/toggle]


[toggle]Christians all over the world should have put pressure on the United Nations to intervene, to protect the victims and stop the genocide. Christians in Rwanda should have opposed government policies of division, hate, and discrimination. Unfortunately, hate and division had spread among Christians in Rwanda even before the genocide. [/toggle]


[toggle]Today, we need to understand that the genocide did not come overnight; it was long prepared by dehumanizing propaganda and discrimination against one population group, the Tutsi. We must be attentive to discrimination against any minority, like Jews or refugees. And we should obey God’s command in James 1:27, “to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” [/toggle]





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