


[toggle]Worth Sharing The Spirit-Filled Experience[/toggle]


[toggle]Pentecostals believe in their approach. Their Christian walk has benefited, and they think everyone should have access. While others are figuring out what to do now to achieve growth, Pentecostals are focusing on who they are and are achieving growth. [/toggle]


[toggle]When you think your expression is worth sharing (be it Pentecostal, Calvinist, or Anabaptist) you are more likely to share it with others, start new churches, and more. [/toggle]

オーストラリアにあるペンテコステ派のメガ・チャーチ、ヒルソング教会に集まった信者は若者が多い(写真:Matt Malone)


[toggle]So, What Does It Mean for the Rest of Us? [/toggle]


[toggle]One key to growth is for you actually to believe what you have is so important that propagation to other contexts in its current version is necessary. The Vineyard Church movement exploded in growth in the 1980s for this reason. They thought that people needed to experience what the Vineyard had to offer. [/toggle]


[toggle]Baptists thought that way in the 50s. Methodists thought that way in the Second Great Awakening. [/toggle]


[toggle]Pentecostal believe they have something worth propagating. And that’s worth learning from. [/toggle]


[toggle]Odd Distinctives[/toggle]


[toggle]Of course, to non-Pentecostals, all this seems odd. Sometimes for younger or dissatisfied Pentecostals, they want to de-emphasize the supernatural. [/toggle]

ここで神学的なニュアンスを持ち込みたいところだが、私の社会科学的知見からすれば、「原動力になっているものを軽視すべきではない」といえる。いくつかのペンテコステ派の信仰表現など、あなたは気にしない? それで結構。しかしペンテコステ派の人たちは、失われた魂に手を差し伸べ、神の国で成長している。

[toggle]Well, I’d have some theological nuances I’d like to bring in, but from a sociological perspective my response is, “I wouldn’t downplay what is in the engine.” You don’t care for some of their expression? That’s fine. But Pentecostals are trying to reach the lost and grow the Kingdom. [/toggle]


[toggle]Their distinctives apparently aren’t hindering their growth—their distinctives are propelling growth globally. [/toggle]


[toggle]People Want a Faith With Flavor[/toggle]


[toggle]One of the dangers today is “bland evangelicalism.” Many evangelical churches and denominations are in a state of plateau or decline. Some groups are trying to downplay their distinctives to be more acceptable. Who wants to duplicate that? Nobody. [/toggle]


[toggle]Sometimes the difference between an expanding movement and one that is retracting is how they deal with their distinctives. Some are in protection mode. They feel like they have to preserve their specialness by locking it down and guarding it. Ironically, they end up smothering the mission by covering the light that would shine through their specially designed glass. [/toggle]


[toggle]Others embrace and celebrate their unique values and expression. In doing so, they attract people who are seeking something more than bland. [/toggle]


[toggle]For example, I recently reviewed the stats for the 25 largest faith groups in the United States. In the year I reviewed, the only two orthodox Christian groups growing on the list were the Assemblies of God and Church of God (Cleveland). So, what do all of the declining denominations have in common? [/toggle]


[toggle]Most are mainline, a few are evangelical, but most simply are not as excited about what they believe—and don’t think it needs to be propagated as much—as the Pentecostals. [/toggle]


[toggle]Feel free to share your thoughts. However, please note that I’m not interested in debating Pentecostalism here. If you have questions about the movement, I’ve written extensively on the subject, including the distinction between Pentecostalism and other movements. Furthermore, I am aware of aberrations such as neo-Pentecostalism and other such movements. And, I know such aberrations are growing. Here, however, I am focused on why orthodox evangelical Pentecostal groups are growing. I’m sure we can keep the conversation to that topic and focus. [/toggle]






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