Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?: Larry Norman and the Perils of Christian Rock
Gregory Thornbury (Convergent)
“Many of us working at the intersection of Christianity and the arts have a deeply conflicted relationship with Christian music as a genre. Thornbury takes us back to the roots of Christian rock music in this biography of Larry Norman, one of the genre’s first major figures. This is an even-handed biography, allowing Norman and his ideals to stand forward in all of their beauty and strangeness. It’s a fascinating portrait of a person, but it also provides valuable opportunities for better understanding the relationship of art and belief in the context of the contemporary American entertainment industry.” —Jonathan Anderson, associate professor of art at Biola University, co-author of Modern Art and the Life of a Culture [/toggle]
Selfies: Searching for the Image of God in a Digital Age
Craig Detweiler (Brazos)
“Detweiler helps readers think theologically about one of our culture’s most ubiquitous products, our smartphone ‘selfies.’ Although he recognizes that smartphones have often contributed to an unreflective self-centeredness, he also suggests that they can be used to explore our self-worth, teach others, expand our empathy, and participate in prophetic witness. Detweiler’s dialogue partners are breathtakingly broad—artists, social scientists, psychologists, media critics, theologians, biblical scholars, cultural commentators, and ancient church fathers and mothers.” —Robert K. Johnston, professor of theology and culture, Fuller Theological Seminary [/toggle]
An Extra Mile: A Story of Embracing God’s Call
Sharon Garlough Brown (InterVarsity Press)
“The story provides a satisfying ending to the Sensible Shoes series. Even for those who have not read the first three books, Brown does a masterful job familiarizing readers with her four main characters and providing the necessary backstory. Each character is realistic and believable, faced with inner and outer struggles that intermingle in ways that readers may recognize. These aren’t ‘strong females’ after the fashion of Hollywood blockbusters—they aren’t leading armies or embracing their destiny as the chosen one—but they prove themselves strong in the truest sense of the word: They face the needs in their everyday lives, recognize their spiritual condition, and struggle to walk with Christ day by day.” —Rebecca LuElla Miller, freelance writer and editor, blogger at A Christian Worldview of Fiction[/toggle]
No One Ever Asked
Katie Ganshert (Waterbrook)
“Excelling writing and a compelling plot. No One Ever Asked took me into a world that was realistic—and new to me. The theme of racism was thought-provoking and challenging. Ganshert created believable characters who I continue to think about. The book raises spiritual themes without being preachy.” —Lynn Austin, historical fiction writer, author of Legacy of Mercy[/toggle]
The Spirit of Early Evangelicalism: True Religion in a Modern World
Bruce Hindmarsh (Oxford University Press)
“At a time when evangelical is a contested word that increasing numbers of one-time evangelicals shun, this beautifully written and carefully researched historical exploration of the sources of evangelical devotional life offers a timely reminder of the wellsprings of the movement. Hindmarsh is almost alone among scholars in paying close attention to the spiritual meanings at the origins of evangelicalism, and his thorough, clear, and compelling book about what the first evangelicals understood their convictions to mean for their interior lives and their public concerns draws the reader back to the sources in a way that is more crucial than ever.” —Edith Blumhofer, professor of history, Wheaton College[/toggle]
The Kingdom of God Has No Borders: A Global History of American Evangelicals
Melani McAlister (Oxford University Press)
“McAlister’s book will change the way we teach and think about American religious history. Her point, that you can’t really understand American evangelicalism if you consider it solely within the boundaries of the United States, is an essential corrective. Her argument that American evangelicals variously and unpredictably interacted with, furthered, and resisted American military and economic power is a complex and convincing account of a story that has been the subject of simplistic narratives, both positive and negative.” —Robert Elder, assistant professor of history, Baylor University [/toggle]
Brian Stanley (Princeton University Press)
“In this book, Stanley ambitiously sets out to chart the course of Christian churches across the 20th century. There is a lot to be gained here, and I learned much about topics I knew next to nothing about before. Anyone who reads this book will come away with a better understanding of the history of Christianity in a global context, a story not of straightforward triumph or decline but of shifting influence and cultural relevance.” —John Wigger, professor of history, University of Missouri [/toggle]