
2 静かな時間を作る


Fortified by the simple gift of rest and food, Elijah was able to journey on to Mt. Sinai. His physical hunger was satisfied, but his soul hungered for an encounter with the living God.


You know the rest of the story; God came to Elijah, not in chaotic power, but in a whisper, in the sound of silence. Perhaps God knew that Elijah was vulnerable and needed the healing stillness of the sound of silence and God’s presence therein. Or perhaps God knew that Elijah had seen enough mighty, divine acts and was simply wondering, “Is God small enough? Is the God who sends down fire from heaven capable of meeting me in fear and hurt?”


God assured him that the zeal of the Lord was still at work to bring about salvation and redemption, in spite of appearances. God still has the “big picture” in mind. And yet, even as God moves to accomplish his grand purposes, God does not forget the “little picture” of his spent and wounded servant.


God still draws his tired and discouraged ones into the wilderness to encounter him. Mental health care professionals suggest giving yourself permission to take a break, whether in the form of a vacation, or simply a personal day off when you find yourself weighed down under the demands of ministry. It is vital for pastors to create space to practice life-giving disciplines like exercise, reading, hiking, or listening to music. Reducing interaction with sources that increase anxiety and depression—particularly social media—can also guard against depressive episodes, as recent research has demonstrated a strong correlation between use of social media and rates of depression.


Setting aside intentional sacred space allows us to quiet our hearts and minds so we might better hear God’s voice reminding us of our call and his lordship.

3 自分の共同体に頼り、どこかにサポートを見つける

3. Lean into Your Community, and Seek Out Support Elsewhere


When God came to Elijah and allowed him to speak, Elijah expressed his frustration that in spite of his faithfulness as a prophet, the people rejected God’s covenant. Elijah’s complaint continued, “I alone am left.” In addition to experiencing defeat in his ministry, Elijah felt deeply alone and vulnerable.


God responded to Elijah’s angst not only by giving him specific instructions about how to proceed, but also by kindly assuring Elijah that he was not alone. God, in his generous goodness, had preserved 7,000 faithful individuals who would stand alongside Elijah as he persisted in completing his assigned task.

神は今も、共同体の癒やしの賜物(たまもの)をくださる。神がエリヤに7000人の残りの者を思い出させたように、私たちも孤独な旅をしているのではないことに気づかされる。私たちはキリストの体の支援と励ましを必要としている。家族や地域社会、信仰共同体と強い結びつきを持っている人は、うつや不安のような心の健康の問題に強いということを、メンタルヘルス財団は実証した。ウェンデル・ベリーが『ありふれたことへの処方箋』(The Art of the Commonplace、邦訳なし)で強く主張しているように、「回復は、孤独の中では不可能だ。回復は、孤独の対極にある。陽気さは癒やしだ。癒やされるためには、私たちは創造の饗宴に他のすべての被造物と共に向かわなければならない」

God still offers us the healing gift of community. As God reminded Elijah of the remnant of 7,000, so we are reminded that we do not journey alone. We need the support and encouragement of the body of Christ. The Mental Health Foundation has verified what we already know: People with stronger connections to their families and communities, including communities of faith, are less vulnerable to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. As Wendell Berry asserts in The Art of the Commonplace, “Healing is impossible in loneliness; it is the opposite of loneliness. Conviviality is healing. To be healed we must come with all the other creatures to the feast of Creation.”


In addition, we should not eschew the support of counselors and medical professionals to help us navigate the choppy waters of depression. Therapy, medication, and emerging treatments such as TMS can be means of grace to bring about the healing of our minds.


Though it might be in the deafening sound of silence, God reassures us of his persistent presence and perfect promises. The story of Elijah reminds us of the merciful character of God who recognizes our frailty in body and mind, who sees our need, and who responds to us generously.

執筆者のステファニー ・ダーネス・ロブデルは現在、アイダホ州のマウンテンホーム、ナザレの山の家の教会で夫トミーと牧師をしている。



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